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I was deeply asleep like a log of wood; I guess my mind needed a break from too much thinking.

Abruptly, the loud cries of my phone's ringtone jolted me from my state of sleepiness. I opened my eyes and observed the phone as it laid on the bed beside me; something wasn't right. Before I shut my eyes, I had intentionally placed my phone on do-not-disturb mode, reason being that I needed a long nap, free from disruptions.

However, there was my phone breaking that rule and mysteriously ringing. Lord, could this be the sign? I wondered. So, I checked the phone and it was my mother calling.

"Oh," I said disappointedly. I was convinced that she wasn't what I was seeking at that moment; definitely not someone that the Lord could use for a sign. Though I wasn't specific.

I had prayed to the Lord anxiously, repeatedly asking him to give me a sign that I was on the right or wrong track with Him and everyone else. I had never been that bewildered in my entire life.

I needed Someone unrestricted by the deficiency of the human nature; Someone who could peek into the future and reveal it to me, that I would know that I was in safe hands. Someone I could trust.

I needed Him to show me if Nicole was the one for me. Perhaps she was the reason why He brought me to the USA, particularly to OVC and that school, because it surely didn't seem like a coincidence that we had that much of significant attributes and lifestyle in common and that we met in the first place, even though it was in the most humiliating way. Perhaps she would lead me to my purpose, I thought. But what purpose exactly?

Suddenly, I could no longer even determine my purpose. Everything just seemed so obscure to me. I felt like a baby calling out for the guidance of an adult to pull me through. That happened to be my biggest question yet: for what purpose was I in that country and city?

I knew that it wasn't a coincidence that I bumped into Nicole that day, in the crime scene. Not a notable event in my young life did I ever regard as a coincidence because I felt my story was way too precious to accommodate unintentionalness especially about significant matters.

I certainly was also attracted to Nicole's luxurious life and I was afraid of its supposed dangers at the same time, according to her confessions. Then I was extremely bothered by Arthur's testimonies of her and that it might destroy our relationship.

I was greatly overwhelmed. Tears trickled down my eyes.

When my mom would not stop calling, I answered the phone.

"Hello," I said. My voice was faint over the tears.

"Sweetheart, how are you doing? How was school today?"

"Fine." My voice was shaky but she never noticed even though my friends would.

"I just wanted to check up on you."
Well, you should get an award for the most competent 'checker.' "I suppose your dad isn't home."

"Yeah. I need to go now. I've got homework to do. I'll call you later."

"Wait, I sent a video to your WhatsApp. I and your aunty were arguing about something-the man in the video, he looks just like Mrs Clara's husband but I doubt that it is he. Since when did he start having sense to speak like that?" She laughed hysterically.

"Oh, mummy. Okay then, I'll check. Bye."


I threw the phone on the bed and laid on my back, watching the ceiling. I couldn't believe I had woken up just to receive a call on such a trivial matter. I was pissed off.

I angrily snatched the phone from the bed to see why it did ring only to find out that the phone was truly on silent mode! Such had never happened to me in my phone history, such didn't seem possible even though the phone had technical issues. Thus, I was greatly confounded. The company of Samsung will be hearing from me soon.

In my spirit, I had the deep urge to check my mom's texts and so I did. I found the video and opened it.

Clara and David Johnson lived in our street back in Nigeria. Mr David was abhorred by my mom for some reason I couldn't understand. She called him foolish and I was influenced by her testimonies of him to think of him as foolish. Therefore, I never esteemed him highly but I did respect him.

There David was in the video. He looked different... Something about him was different and I couldn't quite place my finger on it. His glorious mien was like that of a heavenly messenger who carried the burden of a great message and couldn't wait to unveil it.

There he stood in a church meeting and he said, "you have a purpose! It's as valid as saying that everything that was created by man has a reason for its creation and existence. So do we humans, the prime creation of God."


"You see, you are where you currently are for a purpose that God, the Revealer of all mysteries will soon reveal to you. But be careful, hastiness and much passion can destroy a great purpose. Don't hurry God. Stay with Him and let Him hold your hand until He has led you to that place of ultimate rest. Remember: the greatest way to have the answer to every question about your purpose is to cling to God and never take your eyes off Him, one minute away from His presence is a huge risk. Never take your eyes off Him."

Instantaneously, my entire body was covered in goosebumps; vibrating like I had been out exposed to a cold winter. What is happening to me?
I looked all over me and my entire being was reacting to something glorious. I couldn't tell why but surely, that message was just for me.

Immediately, I was led to open the scriptures and I found two verses that said:

Do not be deceived: 'evil company corrupts good habits.'

Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

I was confounded by these words of Paul's letter to the Corinthians. I couldn't tell what sign God was showing me and what it all meant. I knew at that moment that I needed Arthur but I was way too angry with him to call him. I refused to be that humble.

So, I called Emlyn instead.

"Uh, I'm not exactly a Scriptures guy. Can't even recall the last time I attended church."

"Oh, wow."

"But, I could give this a shot," he said. "So, based on my own understanding... Uh, God doesn't want you to be poisoned by a bad company, like friends. And... Uh, he wouldn't allow you bear a burden you cannot bear. That's all I know."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Uh... Kinda like a guess though."

"Bye, dude."


I dropped my phone and ran my hands through my hair. "Why won't you just show me a more vivid sign?! Why won't you just speak to me directly?!" I cried to the heavens devastatingly. "Okay, how about a dream? Just show me anything, Lord! Please, I'm begging You." Then I dozed off.

I thought I was in a trance when I saw Arthur typing on his phone on one of the social media platforms. Suddenly, I heard the screeching noise of my alarm. It was early in the morning; the next day, Saturday.

So, I had actually been dreaming about something so insignificant for few minutes before I was aroused by my alarm-Arthur being online and texting. I saw him right there in his room, in the dark and he was doing nothing but working on his phone.

"God, where's the sign?" I said, looking up at my ceiling like I could see through heaven.

I was too upset with Him to pray to Him or thank Him for a new day, neither did I study the Bible first thing in the morning. I grabbed my phone to go online and with immediate effect, Arthur's post popped up on my news feed. It explicitly said:

Night Devotion Key Text:
Be not deceived, evil communication corrupts good manners. Awake to righteousness and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. (1 Corinthians 5:33-34)

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