Chapter 2: Chaotic first day

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Chapter 2: Chaotic first day

Walking silently with Kushida, we managed to find the classroom. It was a simple 2 double door with clear glass able to see inside and outside of the classroom. Taking a peek inside I noticed a few people already talking and interacting with each other, I also saw Ayanokoji already seated in there. 'He is currently having a mid-life crisis on whether to talk to Sotomura or not'. I could help but chuckle a bit, while thinking 'Ayanopapa look at your masterpiece'.

I then looked at the board posted outside detailing the seat arrangement, turning my attention to Kushida who is looking at It intently. 'She is memorizing there name and checking them trough the window. The dedication for it, Kushida I'm am impress it makes me not want to expel you'. Deciding to break this silence,

"Is something the matter, Kushida?"

"Ah, it's nothing I was too nervous since i know no one here" she played it off while looking at you.

"I see, though I think Kushida is worrying for nothing" I replied while looking at the seating arrangement, while looking I noticed where my seat is it was placed in were Ayanokoji was supposed to be. 'Damn it, Horikita is next to me', I screamed in my head.

"Let's head in shall we" I flashed Kushida a confident smile while opening the door, it opened quite noisily and attention is now focused on us. 'I swear if that God decided to make this' I thought will hearing a quiet

"~tehe~ "

Kushida lightly froze from the attention, noticing this I patted Kushida on the head to snap her out. But in doing so made her lightly pur like a cat. I immediately remove it while Kushida looked at me, we both stared at each other for a good second before some girls go "Kyaaah"  the boys glared at me with whispers like "Damn, ikemen" "huh, why is she bothering with that guy I'm much better. And I'm not even showing my true capabilities" and some tongue clicking action. 'You guys are pathetic' .
(Guess who made those comment,lol).

I then looked at Kushida who is blushing quite hardly and "Sorry, Kushida you froze and I was trying to snap you out of it'

"I-I-it's no problem, rather I should be thanking you for you're concern" I just nodded and place my hand on her shoulder.

"No need to panic, I'm sure everyone would like you and be you're friend. Just be you're true self" I said while carefully watching her. Her faced change for a split second but she looked at me and nodded with a pumped up attitude. Nodding back I let my hand go and proceed to my seat with curios stares from the girls and angry glares from the boys, 'Honestly, really want to shout and call them extra virgins' but it would ruin my social credits. I then sat behind Ayanokoji who throughout the whole happenings was starring at the window, 'Better make Ayanokoji, notice me more. God, I'm sounding like Nagaymo'. Finding my resolve I tapped his shoulder and with him turning

"Hey, Ayanokoji seems like we're seatmates" I said while smiling and him looking at me before replying

"It seems so", 'bruh, oh right. Ayanokoji has bad social skill, huhuhu not making my job easier are you now Ayanokoji?'

"Yeah, should have asked you about it earlier. I saw you were here quite early, made any new friends?" I ask even thou I knew the answer. He looked at the outside a bit before

"Actually, I haven't i am quite social awkward". 'Hmm, a straight answer. Kinda thought he would dodge it or say something like "I'm just talking my time" that kind of stuff, well Ayanokoji I you're fan while help you. Thankfully Aki-bro(Akito) is nearby making it much easer' as the plan start to fall into places I then told my *Friendship plan* to Ayanokoji.

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