Part 1

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The scientist was not known. He wanted to remain that way. No one even knew his name or what he looked like. The few assistant scientists he had working for him called him 'Sir;' that is what he answered to. All that they could gather on him was that he was tall. Very tall. And had a distinctive feminine voice, though the undertone was male.

The ones that worked with him saw him as a strange scientist . His test subjects never saw him either, even as he worked on them. He never killed his subjects. He would run the tests, get what he wanted, then returned them to where ever they were taken from. He studied anything and everything. His interest changed every so often. And right now he was interested in four reptiles.

His spies told him that these reptiles were not normal reptiles. They were four anthropomorphic turtles. They could stand up on their hind legs and walk like a human. That wasn't all either. They could talk and fight. In fact, something had taught them martial arts. Each carried a weapon. That was not the most amazing thing that he was told. They had names, had personalities, and were very much like teenagers.

He watched the monitor that played surveillance tapes from where he had cameras placed in the most visited places that the reptiles visited. He watched as they fought with their many enemies.

Over the months he watched them, he found out that they were the only ones of their kind. Many like them had been made, but it was always in a rush, so the intelligence was lowered. These reptiles had grown up very much like human children. It took longer to find out who had raised and taught them. A Japanese man that was once leader of a group called 'The Foot,' a Hamato Yoshi. He was once human but then turned into a anthropomorphic rat. He had found the turtles when they were covered in a 'ooze' that transformed them into their present selves. He had no interest in the man, now rat.

Transforming humans into animals had also been done.

No, his interest laid in the turtles themselves. One in particular. He was the smartest out of all of them. Surely he could appreciate the wonder and the attempt of saving them. All this man wanted was a few tests and even save these poor beings from extinction.

It was unfortunate that there had been no females that were transformed. Did these Turtles ever think about the fact that they were alone in the world? That they are and possibly the only and last of their kind? The possibility that they could procreate with human females were slim and even if they could, there wasn't many that would agree. The socialites' high morals on bestially hung over their heads. It didn't matter how human-like they seemed. More people saw them as animals than not. After all, didn't they start out as animals?

So, to satisfy his curiosity and to help these magnificent creatures he began work in a project that many saw as immoral and unnatural.

Sir sat at his desk, going over all the plans he had pulled together. It had taken two months of planning to get where he was. Hiring the people to catch the turtle, to transport him safely without harming him, and without his brothers finding out he was missing until it was too late. He double checked the holding cell and the tables. He also knew even before he could do any experiments on him, Sir would have to see which would be the best tranquilizers. There were many kinds but he didn't want any that the turtle could have an allergic reaction to. He figured a light dose of a local sedative would work.

The men he had hired were not skilled fighters and this turtle was. Sir only hoped that the sedative and the sheer numbers would help bring in the turtle. The only thing left to do was to get the turtle.

He had to wait until the turtle was alone and that was harder than thought possible. He usually had either one or all his brothers with him or one of the few human friends that they had made. The spies he had sent out forever watched them.

Finally it was on one night in early fall when Sir's spies spotted the turtle leaving the sewers that made up their home.

The voice crackled in over the radio. "Sir...we have spotted one of the turtles. He is now entering a 'Vinnie's Pizzeria'."

Sir was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands when the voice spoke to him. He snapped his head up and grabbed the radio. "Good. Can you tell which one it is?"

"I can't tell, Sir...they all look the same." The voice replied.

"Idiots. All this time and you still can't tell them apart? The one I want wears a purple bandana, you get purple. Is he wearing one?"

There was a pause. "Yes. This turtle is wearing a purple bandana."

Sir let out a breath. "Good. Good. Now you have your orders. Take him but don't harm him. I repeat DO NOT HARM HIM! If he had so much as a scratch it will be all of you on the table!"

"Y-yes, Sir."

"Also do not underestimate him and do not allow him to reach the sewers. He has the advantage there." Sir stood up and stared at the table that would soon hold the turtle. "Now capture him and be careful of him." He clicked the radio off and began to set up his equipment.


Donatello hugged the five pizzas to his plastron as he breathed in the spicy scent of the pizzas. It was one of the best things about it being his turn for the pizza run. He got to breathe in something better then the stink of the sewer. Just because he lived in the sewer all his life didn't mean it smelled like roses. He set the boxes down so he could move the manhole cover, but before he could even begin to lift it, multiple figures raced down the alley. He stood back up fast and just barely had time to draw his bo. They hit hard and fast.

He didn't even have time to utter a single word as they raced around him. Finally, he decided he had had enough and turned to run to get some distance between him and the dark figures.

As he ran, it ran through his mind as to who it could be. It wasn't the Foot. The ones that had remained on Earth after Shredder and Krang were banished to Dimension X had disbanded and Dregg was long gone. These humans weren't good fighters at all, but they didn't even seem to want to fight. In fact, they were using the sheer numbers to overpower him.

They kept slamming against him. For every one he took down with his bo, kicks and punches, two more moved in. Finally, having been herded into a corner, his breathing came in ragged gasps. He held his bo and glared at the humans' defiance that surrounded him.

Suddenly he felt a prick in his upper arm. Donatello's vision blurred and went black, he collapsed with a groan on his side, limp, and unmoving. The figures quickly approached him. One dropped down and paused before he touched Donatello's throat, then pulled his hand away.

"Finally." He pulled out the radio. "Sir? We got him. He'll arrive in one hour."

Sir collapsed into his chair and wiped his forehead. "Thank God." He breathed out a sigh of relief.

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