Part 21

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The rest of the week was indeed hard on Donatello. All of them kept an eye on him. He wasn't completely under house arrest, but someone was always with him when he left the lair. It wasn't until he actually stopped and saw how all the extra movement had been taking its toll on him.

Once he stopped moving, he noticed that his back was hurting more and that his ankles were swollen and achy. He had read that was normal, but it was still something to see. He had to sit down and get his legs supported to help the swelling to go down in his ankles.

What was also hard was that there was another kidnapping. It was all that Donatello could do not to rush back out. He heaved another sigh. His back was hurting more then usual that day. It felt like a slight pulling in through his belly and out through his back. It didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable. It had started earlier that morning, five days after he was caught trying to sneak out. It was now the first of May.

He squirmed on the couch, trying to get comfortable. There was some silly monster movie on and Tanya had come over to visit. She loved the cheesy horror movies. She saw them more along the line of comedy, although at the moment, she was studying the book she had open in her lap. His brothers were sitting around the TV, leaving the couch for Donatello and Tanya.

Tanya looked over at Donatello again. He noticed this and tried to sit still, but the pulling started again and he moved. She opened her mouth to say something when the movie was interrupted.

"This is Carol Sapp for news channel 3 with the latest breaking news. The strand of kidnappings that has plagued the city just may be at its end. Due to heavy lockdown on homes with infants, the ones that have brought this fear to our city had apparently became desperate. They attacked an eight-month along pregnant woman. After subduing her, they attempted to cut the unborn child out of her womb. Hearing her screams, people alerted the police. The suspects ran and the police are now pursuing. Let's go live to Rick Webb. Rick?"

The scene on the TV shifted and the newscaster was above the city in a helicopter. He began to tell the people watching that the suspects were on foot running through Central Park. That there were three. Two men and a woman.

Donatello jumped up, forgetting the uncomfortable pulling in his back and belly. "Come on! We can get them! They're right there!"

His brothers lunged for him, but Tanya was closer. She dropped the thick book with a heavy thud and dove at him. She tackled him back down onto the couch and sat on his legs. "Oh no you don't! You aren't moving."

Donatello looked at her in shock, then shook his head. "I have to! We need to do something!"

Tanya leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Donatello's big belly and brought her face closer to his. She wasn't putting any weight on his belly, but she still kept him from moving. "Please Donatello... you can't. The police will catch them. If you go out there, something may happen and I don't want anything to happen to you or the twins, because I love them... I love you!"

There were gasps all round, but both Donatello and Tanya ignored them. "What?"

"I love you. Call me strange or what, but I don't care. I love the twins and you." Tanya said, her black eyes darker then normal.

Donatello started to answer when there was shout from the TV. All eyes turned to it and a huge weight was lifted. The police had caught the three humans. They watched as they were slammed into the ground and handcuffed.

The three turtles, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael let out a cheer. Donatello turned his eyes back to Tanya. She was grinning in happiness and Donatello began to meet her grin. He opened his own mouth, but it turned into a wince. "Ow!" He put a hand to his stomach.

Tanya sat back. "Donatello?"

He grimaced as the pain hit him. "I think I'm in labor..."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted.

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