Part 22

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"WHAT?!" Michelangelo screeched, making everyone flinch.

"Ok, Donatello, what makes you think you're in labor?" Tanya said gently, looking Donatello straight in the eye.

"All day, I've have these strange achy pulls through my stomach and out my back," he said as he winced as another roll of pain washed over him.

"Ok, stay there so I can feel your belly." Tanya's normal playful voice took a serious and a commanding one.

Donatello stayed where he was and winced only slightly as Tanya pressed around on his belly. "The belly is tight and if it is labor, then another contraction will be around shortly." She kept a hand flat on his breathing and within ten minutes, she felt the rippling of belly muscles under her hand as the contraction rode out.

Donatello let out a grunt as he rode the wave of pain.

Tanya nodded, "Yep. It's time. Ok, Leonardo you call Mom. Tell her to set the clinic up for an emergency c-section for tonight. That it's time. And you Raphael, call April. She has been wanting to know." She looked at the turtles that were still standing there in shock. "What are you waiting for? Move, move, move!"

The turtles began to scramble around to do the tasks she set them to. "Michelangelo, go get the Turtle Van ready. Donatello will want to lay down on the drive there."

"Right on, dudette." He gave her a thumbs up and rushed off.

Tanya smiled, then turned back to Donatello. She had slipped off the couch and was on her knees beside Donatello.

"Another contraction?"

He nodded. The muscles slowly tightened, and then suddenly lunged into full pain, causing him to inhale sharply and cringe. Then it backed off.

"Level your breaths, Donatello. Use the Lamaze that we've been practicing," Tanya advised softly.

Donatello nodded again and began the breathing. They helped and when the next one came, he was able to ride it out with some extent ease. "I-I thought it would take longer. To get to the point, this is rather fast."

"I know, I know, but everything so far is fine and happening normally. But right now, just try to relax. We'll be at the clinic shortly and give you something for the pain before we do the c-section."

About five minutes later, the other turtles came back and announced that April was called and Jane was on her way to the clinic. Tanya nodded. "Good. As soon as Michelangelo comes back, we'll begin to help Donatello to the van."

It didn't take long. As soon as Michelangelo came back, they helped Donatello up and with Tanya, Master Splinter, and Michelangelo leading the way, and Leonardo and Raphael helping Donatello along, the trip through the tunnels was a long and annoying one.

The Turtle Van was already started like Tanya had told Michelangelo to do. They helped Donatello in through the double doors. Leonardo hurried around to the driver's side and the others followed. Tanya and Splinter sat in the back with him. Tanya lifted Donatello's head and slid the pillow under it that Master Splinter had thoughtfully brought.

Donatello squirmed and writhed uncomfortably on the floor of the van. His head rolled restlessly on Tanya's shoulder as she sat beside him.

"You're doing great," she said as calmly and as gently as she could.

"Really?" Donatello asked meekly. "I don't feel great."

"I'm sure," Tanya said with a smile.

Donatello started to return the smile, but his eyes widened as he was hit with another contraction.

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