Part 6

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Donatello sat on April's couch, his head in his hands. He felt like the world was crashing down. The scientist was right. Somehow, he had artificially impregnated him. How was he going to tell his brothers? Something like this he couldn't hide for long no matter how hard he tried.

"Come on, Donatello. What do you mean you're pregnant? How? You're a male, that is impossible!" April said as she paced in front of him.

"It sounds impossible, but not really is." Donatello said, not lifting his head. "Some species of reptiles can change gender, thus becoming pregnant."

"But you haven't changed gender, have you?"

Donatello's head shot up. "No! Of course not! Female hormones and the fact that some reptiles can change their gender more then likely played a cause in this. Plus advanced genetics."

"O-ok. Fine. So you told me how this happened...  Donatello...  what are you going to tell your brothers and Master Splinter?" April asked as she stopped pacing and stood in front of Donatello.

Donatello's green face paled. "Oh no. What am I going to do? How am I going to tell them?" He began to fall back into the panic. "Oh, no..." Donatello said, his eyes wide with panic as he bent over, clutching his stomach. "No... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

April sighed as she saw Donatello rapidly fall into a gloom. She dropped to her knees and hugged Donatello. "Donatello, it's going to be okay. Everything's going to be fine."

Donatello shook his head and tried to keep from hyperventilating. "No... for all my brains, there is no way out of this. April, how do you women handle unwanted pregnancies?"

Donatello knew he could think this through, but panic had set in and he couldn't think clearly.

April pulled back and looked at Donatello thoughtfully. "I've never been pregnant so I don't know. There are many things, but none are really safe. You need a doctor. But you also need to tell your brothers and Master Splinter. He can help."

"No," Donatello shook his head. "No, not right now." Donatello sat back down and dropped his head into his hands again. "I'll tell them later. Right now, I need time to think." He looked back up at April. "April, I know it has been awhile, but can I stay here tonight?"

April looked shocked, but she nodded. "Of course, Donatello, but I think you should call your brothers and Master Splinter and tell them where you are."

"Yes, April." Donatello pulled out his turtle com and April went about gathering blankets and pillows. He dialed Leonardo's number. It wasn't long before his brother's face appeared on the com.

"Donatello, where are you? And when did you leave the lair?" Leonardo asked as he narrowed his dark eyes at his brother.

"I'm at April's. I had to do some things and I promised her that I'd take a look at her furnace. I just may stay over." Donatello told his brother, feeling bad about lying to him.

"I really don't like that, Donatello."

"Leonardo, I'm not a baby." Donatello said sharply, then huffed and closed the turtle com. He knew that this was not like him and he blamed Sir for that. Sir had changed everything for him. Donatello sat there brooding and didn't notice that April had placed the extra blankets and pillows on one side of the couch. He continued to sit there, staring down at the turtle com in his hand.

She stood beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He didn't acknowledge the touch, but tuned her out. He began to tune everything out.

"Sleep well, Donatello." April said, then backed away, heading to her room.

Donatello didn't hear her. He continued to sit there and stare at the turtle com. Questions ran through his mind. Questions needed answers. Finally, Donatello blinked and looked around. It was late and tomorrow, he needed to begin the plan on dealing with his pregnancy.


The next day, Donatello was up early and looking through files and books about pregnancy. April left him alone, though she watched him closely. She couldn't believe that her sweet green friend was pregnant. She already knew that she would be there for him; she only hoped that when he decided to tell his family, that they would be there for him as well.

Donatello had thought through the night. The only way to stop the pregnancy was through abortion. It was a cruel way, but he didn't know how he would be able to carry the embryos. Who knows why Sir had artificially impregnated him, but it couldn't be good.

He had read through the pros and cons of abortion and he figured that it would be the only choice. 'Besides,' he thought. 'I'm no female, how would I have it? And who can I trust with this? I'm an engineer, not a doctor. I'm also a scientist.'

A doctor!

Michelangelo is friends with that veterinarian woman, Dr. Jane Goodfellow.

"April!" Donatello closed the book he had been looking through.

April jumped and looked over at Donatello. "What is it, Donatello?"

"I know who I can go to and trust. Dr. Jane Goodfellow!" Donatello said.

"Good idea, Donatello. Let me call her." April walked over to the phone and picked it up, dialing the animal clinic that Dr. Goodfellow worked at.

Donatello turned away and walked from April's study and into the living room. As he walked through the room, he paused in front of a full-length mirror. He turned and looked at himself in the mirror, or mostly at his stomach. He turned his head and stared hard at himself. It was hard to believe that he, a male turtle, almost human, was pregnant.

"Donatello?" April's voice sounded behind him.

He turned and looked up at her. "Yes?"

"I have some bad news. Dr. Goodfellow is gone until the first of December. She's in Los Angeles. You'll just have to wait. I'm sorry, Donatello." April said.

Donatello sighed. "That's alright. It'll give me time to think. I think I can hide this from my bros. Splinter it may be harder... but I'll have to try." Donatello sighed and looked at the time. He couldn't stay at April's forever. He had to get home sometime.

"Thanks, April, for everything, but I better get home." Donatello said as he took a deep breath.

"Anytime, Donatello. Remember, I'll be here if you need me."

Donatello nodded and moved to the window to begin his journey back home.

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