Part 17

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"Oh come on, Donatello. I know this is embarrassing. Even though you're not giving birth the natural way, you need to learn to control your breathing. While you're in labor waiting for the c-section, you will need some breathing techniques to help keep calm or the strain of the natural instinct to push could damage something internally." April said.

"I know, I know. It's just so hard." Donatello said from the floor.

April was sitting behind him, a pillow between her belly and Donatello's rough shell, while Tanya was having a hard time concentrating on her studies. She was stretched out on her belly on April's couch, the thick book open in front of her. She was trying to read and write down notes, but the sight of Donatello laying on the floor in the birthing position and her mother trying to coach him along with the Lamaze video that was playing in April's VCR. Every time she looked up and over at the three, she would feel the laughter bubbling up inside and she would have to hide her face in the book.

"Stretch back out, Donatello. Every woman that gives birth needs to do these." April said from behind him.

"I'm not a woman..." Donatello mumbled in irritation.

"But you are giving birth in a month or so, so stop acting like a child and..."

"I AM A CHILD!" Donatello burst out. He glared at all of the women in the room. "I don't want to do this! This is degrading and... and..." Donatello struggled to get up. The effect that he was going for was ruined by his clumsy try to climb to his feet.

Jane stood as well and glared right back at him. "Actually, a young adult. So start acting like one."

"No. I refuse to do these silly Lamaze classes." With that, he turned and stomped over to April's window and out and up to the roof.

"Wow. Sweet turtle does have a bit of a temper." Tanya said from her spot.

"Thank you, Tanya for volunteering to go get him." Jane said. She let out a sigh and sat down.

Tanya looked at her mother with her mouth open. "What?! Up to the roof? I can't; you know how I am with heights."

"You'll be fine. The fire escape has railings and you don't need to go far." April said.

"Tell him I'm making him an apple and pickle milkshake. He had said that he had been craving one."

"What... no fish sticks in that?" Tanya mumbled as she closed her book and headed out to where the turtle had gone. Swallowing her fear, she climbed out the window and gripped the railings like her life depended on it. Slowly, she climbed up. Thankfully it wasn't as cold and she only wore a jacket.

The weather was beginning to warm slightly as spring was on the way soon. When she reached the roof, she hurried away from the edge and then looked around. She finally spotted Donatello leaning against the small water tower that sat on April's apartment building. He was staring out across the city.


Donatello turned around quickly in surprise. He had tears in his eyes.

"Donatello... you're crying? Why are you crying?" Tanya asked, her normally teasing voice all serious. She reached out and touched his shoulder tenderly. Ashamed of his weeping, Donatello hastily wiped his eyes as he adverted his head.

"Leave me alone." Came the shaky reply.

"Nuh-uh. I can't do that. You aren't just upset by that little show in there are you? What's wrong?"

Donatello finished wiping his eyes and looked back to her. "I'm scared. Me and my bros can face any villain that comes along, but when it comes to this, I'm lost. The others are helping as much as they can, but they don't truly understand. And I know that you and April and Jane are helping me with those... classes. I guess the reality of the situation is just setting in and it's scaring me."

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