Part 12

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Donatello moaned as he slowly woke up. He kept his eyes closed though, trying to remember what happened to him. Suddenly, his brown eyes snapped open and looked around frantically.

He remembered that he had been at the baby shower that everyone had thrown for him, when a terrible cramp had seized his stomach and cried out. The pain was horrible and he had felt beads of sweat pop out on his forehead. He barely remembered anything after that, only that Jane had told him that he was in danger of a miscarriage and that he and his babies could die. He remembered begging for his babies' lives as well as his own. After that, he didn't remember so much.

Looking around, he saw was that he was in one of the rooms at the clinic. The lights were off and he was lying on a padded table, halfway propped up by cushions and covered with blankets. He felt really tired and his lower belly was sore, but there was no real pain. His hand flew to his belly and he felt the ever-growing bulge.

Donatello also felt something else on his belly. He could feel it wrapped around his entire middle with a monitor attached. It was a fetal monitor, monitoring his twins' heartbeats. He could hear the beeping. He had moved the blanket to see what was on him. He had also noticed an IV in his right hand.

He tried to move, to get up, but he was too tired to move much. Just as he opened his mouth to call out, he felt the presence of someone else in the room. His eyes narrowed in the dark room as he tried to see who it was.

"Hello, Donatello."

The feminine voice with the undertone of male reached his ears and Donatello felt a shiver of ice-cold fear run up his spine. The voice belonged to someone he never hoped to hear from again. Sir!

"Just give me five minutes, Donatello." The man's voice said before Donatello could do or say anything.

"Why should I? You turtlenapped me! Held me captive for two weeks and would've held me longer if I hadn't escaped. After that, you had the authority to send two of your goons after me. Not only that, you impregnated me! Without my consent or anything, causing my body to reject the fetuses, almost killing me and possibly the babies!" Donatello snarled, angry tears burning in his eyes.

"Easy, Donatello. First, I want to clear some things up. I would have released you once you were out of danger. This is the exact reason I didn't release you right after. And the two imbeciles disobeyed my orders. They went out on their own to capture you. They are taken care of. They will never bother you or your brothers again. Second... your babies are fine. Dr. Goodfellow and her daughter saved them. You and they are fine."

Donatello felt relief wash over him and again cupped his hand over his belly. They were still in there and alive. All three of them were fine. After breathing the sigh of relief, he glared back in the direction of where Sir was. He could see the outline of the man standing in the corner. "How did you find me?" He asked roughly.

Sir let out a small feminine laugh, "Remember how I told you that I know a lot about you? I found out who you and your brothers knew and trusted. So I naturally knew that you would come here."

A thought then struck Donatello and he tensed up. "Why are you here? If you think you are going to take me and my children again you are mistaken." Donatello said lowly.

After the shock of seeing the man again was over, fear and anger took over. Adrenaline rushed though his body and gave him enough strength to climb out of the bed and take a shaky step toward where Sir was. "What reasons do have with interfering in my life? What reasons do you have to come back now?!" Donatello took another threatening step forward.

"I do owe you that. I didn't come to take you or your children. I was worried about you, Donatello. You are the longest I have ever stuck with as a project. You see it was unfortunate that there are no female turtles that were transformed. You and your brothers are magnificent. I wanted to help you. These babies with give you all a chance." Sir said softy. He stayed in the corner, a hand on the door ready to leave.

Donatello stayed where he was. He still didn't trust the human. "I want you to stay away from me and my family. You may try to intervene, to come across as my friend or what. But I won't fall for it. You just stay away."

"As you wish, Donatello. But remember this: I will be watching you. For a while at least. Good-bye." With that the door opened and he slipped out into the back darkened hallway.

Donatello let out a sigh, his nerves shot. He grabbed a hold of the edge of the table as he felt the rest of his energy drain. He couldn't remember when he had felt so aggressive. It wasn't his nature. He used to be as laid back as his brothers, even while working on his inventions. But since he had become pregnant, how his mood and personality had changed. He didn't know if he would even be the same again.

He sighed angrily when tears welled up in his eyes again. And he had never cried this much at all. It wasn't fair. The rest of his energy drained and his knees gave out and he slid to the floor, then settled onto his side. He didn't even have the energy to call out. Thankfully, the door opened and Tanya stepped in.

She let out a gasp and rushed to his side looking him over. "Donatello? You still awake?"

Donatello let out an "hmmm", and slowly opened his eyes. "I'm just tired."

Tanya smiled gently and shook her head. "You silly turtle. Then sleep up on the bed." She stood and called out for her mother. She then turned back to Donatello. "We'll get you back up on the bed."

It took both Jane and Tanya to lift Donatello. He tried to help, but he was too weak and tired. Thankfully, the table that they had Donatello on could lower some and they only had to lift him a foot. While Jane checked his IV, Tanya checked the fetal monitor on his stomach and then rearranged his blankets. He dozed back off, but woke with a startle and grabbed Tanya's wrist. "What happened? The babies...."

Tanya sighed in relief. "They are fine. You are fine. You were in danger of having a miscarriage. Where the pregnancy is not natural, your blood type and body is recognizing the twins as foreign objects and is trying to kill them. See, your blood type is A-. Your body was rejecting the twins. Toxins were building up, killing all three of you. While Mother was ridding your body of the toxins that were building up, Leonardo and I had to go get you a drug called Rhogam. We had to get you started on it."

Donatello took a deep breath. Then Sir was right. The twins were fine. And he was fine. He felt his eyes get heavy again. Just before he nodded off again, he had to ask. "Where are my bros?"

Tanya's voice was beginning to fade when she answered. "They are at home. We had to send them home. They were here for hours waiting for you wake up. Don't worry... we'll give them a call when you wake up again."

That was the last thing that Donatello heard before sleep claimed him again.

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