Part 4

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Leonardo paced back and forth in their lair. He was wracking his brain, trying to think of where his purple loving brother was. It had now been two weeks; the two weeks of searching took and showed its toll on them all.

"Leonardo," said Raphael gently, weariness showing clearly on his frame. They were all tired, but Leonardo had hardly eaten or slept since Donatello was taken. Leonardo didn't respond right away. "Bro, you need sleep and something to eat." said Raphael firmly.

"NO! NOT UNTIL I FIND DONATELLO!" shouted Leonardo, stopping and clenching his fists.

Raphael took a shocked step back, eyes wide.

Leonardo sat down, and dropped his head into his hands. He knew that he was supposed to be sleeping. It was Splinter's and Michelangelo's turn to search the city while he and Raphael rested from their own ten hour search. He stayed like that, not even noticing the door open and his sensei and brother walked in with April.

He heard them whispering and suddenly a plate with a slice of pizza dropped down in front of him. His head shot up and began to stand. Strong furred hands pushed him back down and one word sounded around him.


Leonardo looked up to see April standing with her arms crossed, her small mouth in a cross between a frown and a pout, Michelangelo standing beside her, munching on a slice of plain pizza. Master Splinter was in front, and Raphael off to his right. They looked dead serious.

Leonardo muttered something quietly, but picked up the pizza. He chewed slowly, his mouth dry. As he chewed, he glanced back around at his family. Members of his family had gone missing before, but never this long and not knowing who or what was behind it. He knew that even if they found Donatello, the family would never be the same.


Donatello glared at the figure of the man.

Pregnant? Ha! As if. After he was knocked out and had regained consciousness, the man, whom he still never gotten a name from had come in to see him and had told him that he was now carrying two embryos that he had injected into him.

Donatello didn't want to believe it, he didn't believe it. He didn't even worry about it. He had to get out of there. Two weeks. He knew because every three days there was some kind of test. Blood test, blood pressure tests, the works. He knew that his bros must have been worried. And not only that, he knew that if he didn't get out soon, he would lose his mind, which was something he was very proud of.

Donatello shifted uneasily, he hated this cage. His plan. The one that he had been working on for the past three days was soon to be in motion. He had been studying the hinges on the bars and found that they could be loosened easily with the right amount of patience and the butter knife he had snitched a few days ago. It was lucky that the kitchen had sent two butter knives last week.

As much as he wanted out, he knew that he still had to wait and plan. So at every meal, he hid bits and pieces of butter from his meals. He would then wait until the camera that was focused on him and the room would turn away. He then would smear the three hinges with the butter. He did this every chance he got every time the camera turned. There was a five second interval.

He waited until the last student had left and turned the lights down low. He clicked his own light out and five seconds later when the camera was facing toward the cage, a yellow glob flew out from the cage and hit the lens. Donatello knew he didn't have long, but used his ninja training and strength to crack the hinges and pulled the hinges apart. He shoved the door back and ran out.

Quickly, he looked around for a weapon. He saw a pipe coming out from the wall and easily ripped it out. He grinned lightly, though his eyes were hard. He began twirling it around.

"I've fought with better, but I've also fought with a lot less." He said. He knew that he didn't have time. Already he could hear people running toward the room that he was in.

He grabbed a metal tray, remembering that they loved shooting darts at him. Slowly, carefully, Donatello slipped out of the room. He heard the people running down the hallway, but from the sound of it, they still had a corner to turn. So Donatello turned and made his way down the other hall.

He came to a door. 'I hope this is the exit,' he thought, turning the handle. It led to another hallway. Just as he started to head through, he heard voices behind him.

He spun around and saw five humans running after him. He rolled his eyes.

"Aw, nuts." He mumbled as he turned back and began to run. He felt darts hit the back of his shell and bounce off. "Man, it's good to be a turtle." He said to himself as he continued to run. "But I better hurry up before they start to shoot at my legs or arms."

"You idiots! He's a turtle! You have to dart him where he's not protected!" The voice rang out.

"Thanks for pointing that out, dope head." Donatello snapped to himself. He whipped around and used the metal tray and deflected the darts. He looked back over his shoulder and saw a set of stairs. He jumped backwards and then took two steps at a time and came to an exit door.

"Oh thank you!" He hit the handle and flew out the door. The cold air hit him but he ignored it. He used the tray and wedged it between the handle and took off again.

The cold was slightly refreshing, but the early November snow was almost too cold on his feet. He saw from his surroundings that he was close to the docks. Rounding the corner, he almost ran into two huge men.

"Damn turtle. Get him down so we can bag and tag him!" One of them growled.

"With pleasure," The other one snickered, as he raised a gun.

Donatello steadied himself, and pulled his substitute bo up to bear. With an agile leap, he flew toward the two, moving in between their guns and fists. Now that Donatello had room to move, he dished out two weeks of frustration out on the two.

The first one that had spoken barely had time to flinch in horror before Donatello brought his pipe across his jaw, knocking him out. He then jammed the pipe into the ground, and spun around it like a flag pole to deliver a double kick to the other's stomach, sending him tumbling back into the wall.

Donatello stopped and sent a slight grin in their direction and then looked back at the building that had held him for two weeks. He did a mocking salute, "So long Sir. I'd say that it's been fun... but it hasn't." He ended in a deadpanned voice. He then turned his head to the setting sun and began to head to the nearest manhole cover, with one word on his mind.


Sir watched Donatello go. While part of him wished he could send more people after him, he let the turtle go. He had won his freedom.

"Should we send more men after him? We know where they are." The voice of one of his assistants asked from behind him.

Sir turned so that the lights on his head piece blinded the woman. "No, let him go. I wanted to keep him longer, but I couldn't delay the imminent. He'll find out soon enough
that all I have told him will be true."

"But if he does carry the fetuses full term, the birth will kill him and the children he is carrying."

"Yes, it will, but Donatello's a genius, even if he is in denial. He'll figure something out." Sir replied as he turned back to the monitor.

"But... Sir... he is still, essentially a kid."

Sir sighed, "I know. I wish he was a little older, but that can't be helped. But he is quite mature for his young age. Everything will be fine."

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