Part 19

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As the month wore on, the kidnappings got a lot worse. Donatello, the ever pacifist, begged his brothers to let him go out on the patrols with them. They answered every time with frowns and shakes of the head. They were too worried about him and him being ever so close to the due date.

Every time they left to go on their patrols, Donatello took to pacing. It took Splinter to ordering Donatello to sit with him while his brothers did their patrol. Splinter had Donatello let him know about the doctor visits and what Jane and Tanya would tell him and what he was planning with his children. Splinter in turn gave advice.

And every time Donatello's brothers came back, they had no news on any sightings of the kidnappers.

"Sorry, Bro," Leonardo shrugged. He too had been slightly fretting about the fact that nobody even saw who these people were or even how many there were. He even had called up the vigilante, Casey Jones to help keep an eye out. The tall human was livid. But even he, who spent most of his time looking for crime, hadn't seen anything.

Leonardo had to admit that these baby snatchers were good.

Donatello's shoulders slumped as anger rose.

Raphael saw this and patted his brother on the back of the shell. "I'm sorry, bro," he said, completely serious.

"Yeah, I know how much you want those baby snatchers behind bars." Michelangelo said as he made his way over to the refrigerator. He looked back over at Donatello, "You hungry?"

Donatello shook his head. "No... I'm not."

Raphael blinked. "That's a first. Not even fish sticks? I'm sure we have some." He looked over at Michelangelo, who nodded and looked into the freezer part.

"No thanks, guys... I have some things I need to do. Tanya and the books say I'm going to be almost bedridden for a while. I want to get these things out of the way." With that, he stood up and walked out of the room.

"Wow. The poor dude is really down." Michelangelo said.

"Yeah, I wish we could do something for him." Leonardo agreed.

"This kidnapping has been going on for weeks and I'm angry about it, but he seems to be taking it harder then normal." Raphael said as he scratched his head. "I'm not too sure why though."

"It's because he himself is about to give birth. He can symphonize with the mothers that are missing their children. He is fearful." Splinter said as he stood up from the table.

"What can we do to help him?" Leonardo asked.

"Give him your support. But I fear he will try something reckless. You three will have to watch him."


Donatello did work on some things that he knew he'd never get around to once the twins were born. He continued to work late and even when he turned the lights out and lay in bed listening to the sound of his brothers in bed. He knew the sounds that they made when they slept well.

He then slowly eased out of his bed, biting back a groan when he felt his back begin to ache. He knew that he would be stopped and questioned at this hour of the night. He certainly couldn't tell his brothers he was going to do a very dangerous patrol while heavily pregnant. He knew he was being rather dumb, but he couldn't sit back and let those monsters kidnap any more babies.

The lair was quiet as the turtle rearranged pillows to make it look like he was asleep in his bed. Creeping down the tunnel, he was being as quiet as he possibly could. He knew he looked ridiculous as big as he was trying to sneak around.

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