Chapter 11- MIXED

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An hour after we got back to the Compound, George and I washed up and prepared to head back. We went to Rouso's and grabbed something small to eat and just hung out for a bit. I sent Hermione a text telling her that we were fine and would be back later. Right now, I just wanted to relax before I had to face Fred.

"Did we ever decide who was going to watched the twins while we're at work?" George piped in.

"Aunt Rebekah offered to take the twins and Freddie whenever we want, and she would trade off with Molly. I say we just go back and forth and just let it happen that way." I shrugged.

Smiling, he leaned forward and kissed me once again. "I love you." He whispered once more.

"I know. Always and Forever."

"Always and Forever, Hope. Are you ready?" George whispered, pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Was I ready? Ready to face Fred and the guilt I kept buried for so long? Guess there's one way to find out.
Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded and he apparated us back to the Burrow.

"Mom!" The unmistakable voice of Amelia blared through the Burrow, as she rushed over and threw her arms around me. I smiled and leaned down to hug her properly. "Are you ok? Why did you leave? Where did you go?"

I smiled sadly. "I'm fine, Amelia. I went to Grandmas tree for a little bit. I promise I'm fine."

"Uncle Fred came back. He's telling us stories about Daddies pranks and the joke shop. Can he stay with us?"

I smiled at my eldest. "We'll see. There are some things your dad, Uncle Fred, and I need to talk about."

"Like what?" Nikki asked, coming over to hug me as well.

"Somethings that weren't said before he died." My voice cracked slightly, but I cleared it and smiled as they pulled back. "Why don't you go get Uncle Harry and play a game of quidditch." The girls perked up instantly and raced away, Freddie right behind them.
When I stood up, Fred was standing in the doorway watching me. I smiled sadly, as I looked at him.

"You look good, Wolfie. Glad my brother is still treating you right." He said with a smile.

My smile cracked slightly, tears reforming in my eyes. "Hi, Fred."
Fred crossed the room and wrapped me in a hug, as I started to cry.  "I'm so sorry." I sobbed. "I'm so sorry." I kept apologizing, letting the guilt and despair consume me.
Fred held me gently, letting me get it out, before pulling away and wiping the tears away.

"I forgive you." Those words brought on a new wave of tears, but for a completely different reason. Mom. I felt my body turning before I was engulfed into George's arms. He whispered softly into my ear, until my breathing evened out and I stopped crying.

Pulling away, and with a flick of my wand, any evidence that I was crying was erased. I saw the disapproval in George's eyes, but he didn't comment. The silence was deafening, the only sounds that were heard, were the laughing and shouting of everyone outside playing Quiditch.

"Now that that's out of the way, I want to know everything." Fred exclaimed with a grin.

"George didn't explain anything to you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my husband. He grinned sheepishly and shrugged. I rolled my eyes, but smiled; knowing the reason why he didn't. "After the war, George and I moved into an apartment and was married a year later. Another year later, Amy was born, then Nikki. Two years later, Freddie came along. Seven years ago, Hope took a position as a professor at Hogwarts. That brings us to six months ago. Hope was heavily pregnant at the time, and was on a trip to Mystic Falls, when she collapsed. She had a nice conversation with Death, about the resurrection of her's and Harry's loved ones. Remus and Tonks were the first ones, then you. That's it."

Fred asked a few more detailed question, before we joined everyone outside. I stepped out into the open sunlight, just as a burst of energy escaped from my body and shot outwards. I stumbled backwards and crashed into the house. I heard a loud crack, then felt nothing. I froze at the numbness that consumed my legs. My eye widened at the realization of what just happened.

"Hope, are you alright?" George asked frantically, almost like he knew what had happened.

"I can't feel my legs." I whispered. "Help me inside, quickly."

In slow gentle movements, George and Fred helped carry me back inside. There was another loud crack on my ears as my healing fixed the break in my back, and feeling flooded my legs once more. I sighed in content and rested against the couch.

"You don't look panicked by what just happened. How many times has that happened?" George asked softly, but I could hear the strain in his voice.

"Since the twins were born." I mumbled. "It happened the first time three weeks after they were born. I'm fine, George. I just don't want to scare anyone, besides, I break my back every time I shift."

There was silence, but it was quickly interrupted by my phone going off. Digging around my pocket I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. I froze and dropped my phone on the floor, running up the stairs to the twins old room, slamming the door shut behind me. But I could still see the ID in my mind.

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