Chapter 11-Song

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You walk out and knock on dreams door.

Dream> "Come in!"

You open the door and walk in shutting it behind you. You think maybe you'll ask him to make a song with you as well.

Y/N> "Hey can you help me with something?"

Dream> "Yeah what."

Y/N> "I um I want to make a uh music video."

Dream> "Really? Do you have a song written? Who's gonna sing it? Do you need a producer?"

Y/N> "Yes I have a song and I'll be singing it but no I don't have a producer. That's why I'm asking you."

Dream> "Ok can you sing it and I'll send it to my producer asking to help you?"

Y/N> "Yeah!"

(Sorry if non of this makes sense I don't know how half of the stuff for a music video works lol!)

You record yourself and Dream sends it to his producer.

Dream> "I'll tell you when he responds."

Y/N> "Ok. Thank you!"

You go to your room. You get on Minecraft and keep getting resources. Eventually you get full netherite armor and tools.

Mmh what else do I need. Probably golden apples, potions, a bow, ender pearls, and obsidian. Plus I should probably enchant everything. Gah this is gonna take longer then I expected.

You start mining for gold, obsidian, and stuff to make potions out of. After that you get apples,a bow, and ender pearls.

Y/N> "Great! I think I have everything!"

As you say that dream comes in.

Dream> "Ah sorry I should of knock I'm just excited cause he said he could help!"

Y/N> "Really?! Can I have his number to message him?"

Dream gives you his number. You talk with him and set up a meet up date and time. (for convenience he lives close.) You smile to yourself. You look behind you and see dream sitting on your bed.

Y/N> "Do you need something?"

Dream> "Nah I'm just bored."

You giggle a little.

Y/N> "Ok."

Authors note (again)

Hi again! Sorry I said I was going to post daily but I just got a new bunny! I've been caught up on that plus school. I'll keep trying to update but sorry if I don't for a while!!!

Anyways I love you all <3 Have an amazing day/night/noon! You are amazing and look lovely/handsome/cute/whatever :).

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