Chapter 16 - Recording

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- Y/N POV -

I hear a knock at my door.

Y/N> "Come in!"

Dream comes in and tells you his idea.

Y/N> "Huh why me you usually do these with George."

Dream> "I don't know I wanted someone different. Plus most of my audience likes you."

You smile and blush slightly.

Y/N> "Ok let's do it!"

Dream walks back to his room and you get on your console. You get on Minecraft and the vc. Dream joins the vc. You join his world.

Y/N> "Ok I'm ready."

Dream> "Ok recording is start..... go!"

You start running as dream chases you. You push him in a hole and get wood. You make a sword and kill him then collect more wood. You collect stone as dream starts chasing you with a stone sword. You stop to make a sword as well but he hits you a few times so you run away. You gain your health back so you decide to fight him.

Y/N> "Let's go b!tch!"

Dream chuckles. You fight and kill him but he leaves you on one heart. You regenerate and smile to yourself. You won. (I'm to lazy to make a full speed run) you eventually go to the end.

Y/N> "Yes! I'm gonna be the first one to win against you!! Haha!"

Dream> "Not if I have anything to say about it!"

He comes from behind you and you fight. You run away and place a few beds on the ender dragon.

Y/N> "Gah! Leave me alone you perv stop following me!"

Dream wheezes.

Dream> "How am I a perv!"

You laugh at him.


He wheezes even more and you laugh even more.

Dream> "COME HERE Y/N!"

You keep running and place a few more beds leaving the dragon at less then half health.


You run towards the edge and ender pearl to the dragon placing the last of the beds killing the dragon.


Dream> "NOOOOOO!"

You smile to yourself.

Dream> "I'm not posting this."

You giggle.

Y/N> "You better or I'll just have to do it again!"

Dream> "Yeah yeah."

Y/N> "Alright imma get off now bye bye!"

Dream> "Bye."

You get off and turn off your console. You sit on your bed and check your twitch. 1m FOLLOWERS?!?! You run to Dreams room and hug him crying happy tears. Dream hugs you back blushing.

Dream> "What's wrong?!"

Y/N> "I got 1m followers!!! Thank you so much!"

Dream> "Wow congratulations you deserve it!!!"

You hug him tighter and kiss his cheek.

Y/N> "I owe most of it to you thank you!"

You both blush.

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