The chess game

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Once I got in my room, I changed then fell asleep almost instantly.

Readers POV:

I woke up with the sun beaming in my face like normal. It's only been a few days since the stag, it feels so much longer.

"Charlotte, I'll be attending the Phantomhive manor today." I mentioned while sitting up.

"That's a surprise young lady. What made you change you mind of never wanting to visit?" Charlotte asked while bringing in my morning tea.

"Just to get out of the house." I tried to cover up the real reason.

"You're out of books to read aren't you?" Charlotte asked as she can read me well.

"Yeah, I won't even try to lie about that." I laughed in defeat.

"Very well, I'll let your parents know and get your carriage ready." Charlotte told me.

"No need Charlotte. We're going on a trip." I heard Edwards voice speak by my door.

"Mother and father told me it's just you three." I reminded him.

"Exactly, so you're staying with Ciel for two weeks till we come back." Edward said annoyed.

"Well at least I don't have to steal his books for two weeks." I laughed as I leaned back onto my bed.

"Can't you convince mother and father to bring you with?" Edward said.

"Edward, I'm not going to be traveling to America with you guys just do to errands. That's would be a three day trip then three days coming back." I explained

"Alright fine, but if Ciel does anything to hurt you let me know immediately!" Edward demanded as he left.

"Charlotte please get my bag ready for eight days days." I said laying back down into my bed as I sill was tried.

Charlotte didn't complain and she just went straight to packing.

About twenty minutes passed of me just staring at my ceiling.

"Lady Midford, you bag is packed. Your parents would also like to speak with you." Charlotte informed me as I sat up quickly and went to my parents.

"Mother, father!" I yelled bursting through there study doors.

"(Y/n)! Don't be childish. I thought we taught at least one of our daughters to be respectful." Mother scolded me.

"Sorry mother, I was just bored." I said as a lackey excuse.

"As you know you'll be staying with Ciel. We would feel much better if you leave now." Father said trying not to be childish.

"Very well, I'd rather leave now anyway." I said impatient to get my two weeks worth of reading.

"Do me a favor and not read the whole two weeks. You and Ciel need to get along a tad bit better." Mother said.

I nodded as my parents brought me to my carriage along with Charlotte and my luggage.

"Now Charlotte, don't let her read the whole two weeks. After every day, write what happened and hand it to us when we come back. And please don't let her get hurt." Mother said.

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