Alois's ball

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Another chapter based of the show so spoilers again

As I got in the room, I changed and went straight to bed. Although I didn't sleep, I was to busy thinking about what I saw. I know for a fact I saw Lizzy.

Readers POV:

I woke up with Ciel leaning over me.

"W-what?!" I yelled as my face grew red.

"You have a fever, I got worried about you. You rushed up to bed last night." Ciel apologized.

"I do?" I asked putting my hand to my forehead.

"Yeah, I'll have Sebastian bring you breakfast in bed. Would you like me to accompany you?" Ciel asked sitting at the end of my bed.

"I'm sure I can get up and walk." I admitted.

"No need for that." Sebastian says walking into my room with a cart of food.

Sebastian left the tea and food there as Ciel and I ate in silence.

"So I heard what happened last night." Ciel broke the silence.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess you miss your sister that much. She'll be back, don't worry so much." Ciel sighed.

"Right.. she'll come back." I mumbled.

"I have a costume ball that my servants and I shall be attending." Ciel informed me.

"We'll if it's a ball I could just stay here." I suggested.

"No it's quite alright, after Elizabeth's not here." Ciel tried to convince me.

"No again it's fine after all I don't do well in public." I tried getting out of this conversation.

"(Y/n), I'd much rather you come to this ball." Ciel convinced me.

"You're going to make me anyway aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just thought if I asked it'd be nicer." Ciel admitted.

"Alright, I guess it can't be too bad." I mumbled

Ciel made me get dressed and go to a dumb ball.

"Ciel do I have to go." I whined on our way there.

"Yes (y/n), I don't trust you at the manner alone." Ciel explained.

"Okay." I pouted the entire way there.

Once we got there, a butler that looks like Sebastian greeted us.

Almost the entire time I was there I was reading.

That was until I heard the strangest music. I also noticed Ciel wasn't with me.

"Ciel?" I asked as something happened.

The music made my head in excruciating pain. Along with everyone else's.

Everyone was crying in agony, until something strange happened.

I must've blacked out, I don't remember anything what happened next.

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