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Caitlin's POV

"Call us when you get there." Both of my moms say as they squeeze me tightly.

Trying my hardest not to suffocate I wiggle myself out of their arms. "I will only be gone for a week. You two act like I'm going off to college!"

"Don't get me started thinking about that!" Momma J clinches her heart. "You are growing up too fast. I need these next two years to slow down."

Oh, here comes the water works. "Were you two like this when Logan left for football camp? Do I need to remind you he actually graduates this year plus he is gone a week longer than me."

"You are about to give her a panic attack." Momma P scolds me. "Here is some extra cash. Please don't make us regret letting you go to this camp. I don't want to get a call at five in the morning that you snuck out." I store the money in my bag with a giant smile.

"Trust me." I preach. "I am there for one reason only and that's to get better so I can make the soccer team."

I give them one last hug before the shuttle that I will be on for the next four hours takes off. Again, I had to wiggle my way out of their embrace. I get on the bus and take the window seat.

I stick my mouth to the window making faces at them, trying to help Momma J not cry as much but it wasn't working. Once they were out of sight it hit me that this is the first time, I'll be without them for an extended time. I lift my hood from my sweatshirt over my head as I lean my head on the window while tears are filling my eyes. I can do this.

In a blink of an eye, it felt like I was being woken up by a stranger. I jump to my feet and grab my bag. I walk off the bus and take in the scene. Most kids are getting dropped off by their parents. I walk towards a tent that the letter I received in the mail instructed me to go to first thing.

"Name?" A lady asks.

"Caitlin Chancellor." I say in an almost timid voice which is unlike me.

She searches through her paper and hands me a card. "Follow the tents through. You will get your practice gear and uniform for the games on the last day. Also, on the card it tells you what cabin you will be in."

I nod and continue through the tents. When they handed me my uniform, I was happy that the number I requested was what I got. Number 4.

I got to the cabin that was assigned to me to see that I was the last one here. The bottom bunk was the last available bunk. I walk over to the empty bunk and put my stuff down. I sit on my bed and grab my phone to shoot a text to let my parents know I'm here.

Caitlin: I made it.

Momma J & Momma P: Great! We hope you have the time of your life. We love you.

Caitlin: I love you both too.

"What's your name?" I look up to see a tan girl standing in front of me.

"I'm Caitlin." I introduce myself. "And you are?"

She looks me up and down even though I'm still sitting. "Caitlin? I'm Kara. I'm a senior at a school here in Seattle. What grade are you in?"

"I'll be a junior this year." She stares at me waiting for more information. "I go to West Valley in Spokane."

The girl's head tilts to the side. "I could have sworn someone else said that they are going there this year."

"Who?" All my teammates told me they weren't coming to this camp. They said that it was too far.

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't remember. Maybe she said another school. Doesn't Spokane have like three high schools in town?"

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