Chapter 25

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4.5 years later*

Caitlin POV

Caitlin: Where are you?

I look around the dark parking lot trying to spot her.

Caitlin: I'm in the parking lot waiting ....

I waited a couple more minutes, getting very frustrated.

Caitlin: I'm going to go back to the hotel if you don't answer. I have a curfew.

"Calm down!" I hear a booming voice from behind me. "The queen has arrived."

I shake my head as I open my arms up to embrace McKenna. She walks right into them. It has been months since I've seen her.

"About time." I squeezed her as tight as I could. "I've missed you."

McKenna breaks the hug and takes a step back. "It's not my fault you decided to play college soccer over softball and have your time consumed all the time. Hell I am surprised you are even allowed out. Don't you have a big game in a couple of days?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "I do and considering it's the national championship and I am the starting goalie, I think I made a wise decision for college." I smirk as we both head for the bar.

"So why are we walking into a bar if you have the biggest game of your life in less than 48 hours?" McKenna questions as we walk in after showing our IDs. "I assume you have practice tomorrow or something."

I take a deep breath. "I missed you. I figured this would be more of your scene than coming to our teams ho..."

"I call bullshit." McKenna cuts me off as we approach the bar where she turns her attention. "We will take two Vegas shots." She tells the bartender.

I quickly shake my head at McKenna. "I am not drinking."

The bartender places the shots in front of us. "A card for the tab." He requested.

McKenna hands him her card and me the shot. "I am sure you will change your mind especially for the real reason we are here."

"What is the real reason we are here?"

McKenna was about to speak when the front door dinged and two girls walked through.

My heart stops as I can only hear the music that is playing through the speakers at the bar.

When you walk in the bar with someone holding hands

"Peyton!" McKenna shouts and waved to us. "Over here!"

"Why?" I whisper. I try to turn away but it's too late. Peyton is on her way to us with who I assume is her girlfriend.

"Hi McKenna." She greets with a smile. "Caitlin?"

My heart is beating so fast. "Yeah. Do you not recognize me?"

"I do." She looks down at the floor and backs up at me. "I just wouldn't expect to see you here."

I fidget with my hands. "Same to you." We are playing her school in the championship and we all know how serious Peyton is about winning.

"Who is she?" McKenna bluntly asks looking at the girl by Peyton. "Are you guys dating?"

I elbow my best friend. "Seriously?" I whisper.

"This is Ali." My eyes go down to their hands that are still interlocked. "She is my girlfriend." Peyton confirms causing my heart to drop.

"Wow, you definitely have a type." McKenna laughs.

"What do you mean?" Ali questions McKenna before turning to Peyton. "Are one of these or both of these your exes?"

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