Chapter 8

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Peyton POV

Dad: Did you want anything certain for dinner?

Peyton: I won't be here... I am hanging with Andi. I told you this.

Dad: I forgot. Be home by 11. I won't be back until 7, so I don't know if our paths will cross.

Peyton: Okay. I love you.

Dad: I love you too PJ

I hit the lock screen and set my phone down as I change. I slide my shorts on.

"Shit." I jump to the voice. "I was not expecting anyone here."

Caitlin slowly walks to her locker. I pull my shirt over my head. "I figured I would use a day off of no practice to... practice."

Caitlin chuckles. "Overachiever."

"I'd like to call it dedication." I start pulling my hair up in a ponytail. "Why are you here?"

I move my eyes away from her when she starts changing. "I figured I would run. I can't really practice my position on my own so running is the next best thing."

I turned my head back to her assuming she was done. She was in her shorts and a sports bra. By the looks of it, that's what she is staying in and I don't mind. Why should I?

"If you would like, I could run with you." I offer. "Then after that we could work on things together."

Caitlin bites down on her lower lip and grins. "It's almost like camp."

"Almost." Just not hopelessly falling for one another and getting my heart broken. I will not let that happen again.

Both of us head out of the locker room and go to the track. Before taking off, we both stretch.

Once we get on the track the conversation starts flowing. "So are you excited for the team bonding day tomorrow and tomorrow night?" Caitlin questions.

How do I answer? "I don't know. I really don't want to go."

"Why not?"

"Katie already hates me." I point out. "I feel like she will use this time to torment me."

Caitlin has a faster pace then what I'm used to and I'm finding myself getting tired way too early.

"Katie doesn't like change." Caitlin states. "She is also possessive but she will get over it. Plus she will be drunk so I don't think you have anything to worry about."

I stopped running. "Drunk?"

Caitlin stops and walks back to me. "Yeah. McKenna told me the parents will be gone at a wedding. Our teammates love soccer and are competitive as hell, but they will take any opportunity to party."

I rest my hands on my head trying to catch my breath. "Oh."

"Is that a problem?" Caitlin eyes me. "Have you ever drank before?"

I shake my head. "I've never had alcohol before."

I try to avoid looking at her as I feel uncomfortable. "Hey." Caitlin's hand tugs my arm making me look at her. "You don't need to feel embarrassed. You are only a junior."

"You are only a junior."

"But I have a brother and a friend who exposed me to the party scene at an earlier age." Caitlin tries to make me feel better. "It's not bad that you never drank before and it's okay if tomorrow you don't want to drink."

My eyes go to my arm where Caitlin is rubbing. I don't think she was aware she was doing it until she realized my eyes were focused on it.

"Sorry." She mumbles and pulls her hand away. "Do you want to stop running?"

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