Chapter 15

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Peyton POV

Soccer has flown by and so has the first quarter of the school year. We start the postseason tomorrow. We are still undefeated and I have no intentions of that changing. I'm sure the other girls don't either.

"Today's practice is vital." Coach stresses to all the girls. "The team we are up against isn't that good, but they have beat teams because they play down to their level. It is important to go all out every second on the field. Do not let them upset you, understand?"

"Understood." The team says in unison.

"Okay now line up for drills." Coach claps to dismiss us. "All but Peyton."

The girls run off and I stay put. "Yes coach?"

"So I have some news." He starts off with. "You are only one goal away from tying the state record of goals in a season and two goals away from breaking it. You could easily shatter it tomorrow."

I nod, not knowing what else to do. "Is there more to it?" Why else would he be telling me this right now?

"Yes." He confirms. "If you break it you are a sure winner for Player of the Year for Washington. I got an email stating so. The player who wins school gets a hefty donation."

There it is. "So you are basically telling me to break the record or else?"

"Well there isn't an or else. I can't bench you because you are too valuable. I can't run you extra next year because you do it on your own anyway so it wouldn't be a punishment."

So he is saying if there was a chance for an or else there would be. I'm losing some respect for him as a coach. "So what is the goal of you telling me this?"

"You need to score." He says with a stern voice. "Any chances you get you need to take the shot."

I take a deep breath. "I'm going to play all out every second I'm out there, coach." I informed him. "But I'm not stepping on the field wanting to break records. I want to win. If that means passing up a shot to give the ball to someone who has a better angle I'm going to do it."

Coach looks irritated. "Do you want to play soccer in college?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Then break the record Peyton." He puts his hands on my shoulders and gives me a shake. "Winning the Player of the Year award statewide will get any coach from the school you want to come watch you play. You have all the potential in the world so go out and do it. Don't hold back."

Honestly this whole conversation was a waste of time. Why put pressure on someone to go break a record? He is adding unnecessary pressure and I feel like he has the wrong intentions here. His goals should be us winning as a team, not me winning an award.

"Can I go now?" I mean if he wants me to do this I should practice.

He shakes his head. "Go."

I run to the other girls and get in line. It was easy to block out the conversation with him. I have perfected zoning the outside world out when on the field. I had to. If I didn't I'd probably never have stepped back on the field with what happened with my sister.

Practice comes to the end and the coach dismisses us. Well he dismisses everyone but me again, but this time he holds another person back.

"Chancellor, get in the net." Coach instructs. "James, you have one chance on a free kick. If James scores, Chancellor will have a mile, if Chancellor blocks it, James has two miles."

How is that even fair? Both of us look at him like he is crazy. "Are you trying to wear our legs out before the game tomorrow?" I question.

He gives no response to me. "One kick." He yells followed by a whistle.

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