Chapter 4

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Caitlin's POV

The last day of tryouts was yesterday and today the roster will be posted. We don't have any sort of practice, but we're getting all of our gear today if we make the team. To be honest, I am scared. I have been doing well at goalie but the coach is constantly having Peyton shoot at me and she scores every time. It's hard to be on the right mind set with her compared to the others.

If I don't make the team I feel like it will be because of Peyton but I wouldn't ever blame her. If I did then it shows the lack of control I have on my mental game, so therefore it would be my fault.

"Caitlin, your brother is getting ready to leave." Momma P hollers up the stairs.

I jump off my bed grabbing my phone as I head out. I go out the door and see my brother backing out of the driveway. I run towards the car waving my hands like an idiot.

He stops and I get in. "Seriously?"

"It was a harmless joke, Cat. Calm down." Logan laughs as he keeps backing out. "Does the roster coming out have you on edge or something?"

I buckle up. "Yeah I guess."

"For real Caitlin. What is up with you?"

I look at him as he keeps his eyes focused on the road. "What do you mean what is up with me? Do you not realize how many girls tried out? Not to mention that I switched positions, so sorry I'm a little on edge."

Logan glances at me and shakes his head. "You have been on edge or should I say different since you returned from camp. Both Momma P and J think that something happened out there and I'm starting to as well."

"Nothing happened. What possibly could happen at a soccer camp?"


The next day of camp went by so fast that it scared me. Tomorrow is the last day we are here which means Peyton and I go our separate ways.

Instead of normally meeting on the soccer field after camp, I decided to go straight to the showers. My thought process was that it gives us more time to hangout.

By the time I was done, I headed to the lounge and grabbed food but I didn't bother sitting. I walk out and look for Peyton.

I went by her cabin and she wasn't there. I went to the dock and she was lying there, looking up at the sky.

"Hey." I say softly as I approach her.

She turns her head in my direction and smiles. "Hey you. I thought you were upset or something."

I go over by her and lay down beside her turning my head towards hers. "I just wanted more time with you right now so I rushed off after we were done on the field."

"So you aren't overthinking what happened last night?"

I let a soft giggle out. "Trust me I have over thought it a million times but this beautiful blue eyed girl told me to live in the moment."

"I need to tell you something Caitlin." Peyton says with a serious tone causing my heart to stop. "I don't want to make you upset or have you run off but you need to know."

My eyes scan her face as my heart is hammering in my chest. "Don't tell me now. Tell me before we leave camp. After our games and before we leave we'll meet here."

Peyton opens her mouth to talk, but I stop her by placing my lips on hers.

"Please?" I whisper against her lips. "Just be here with me right now at this moment."

She nods her head as our lips connect once again. I bring my hand up to her cheek and then run it behind her head as it gets tangled in her hair.

Peyton places her hand on my bare hip as my shirt rises up a little. With every circle her thumb rubs into my skin the harder it is to control myself.

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