Chapter 14

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Peyton POV

"Are you ready?" Brooklynn was at my door. "Dad and mom are downstairs."

I grab my bag. "Yeah let's go." Brooklynn leaves my room and I trail her. "Are you sure you should come today?"

"Do you not want me there?" Brooklynn looks at me with a frown.

I shake my head. "That's not it. It's supposed to be freezing and you haven't been healthy lately." That is an understatement considering what she is going through.

"I'm already sick, PJ." Brooklynn reminds me of the sad reality. "I'm going to your game. It's your championship. I won't miss it for the world."

"I love you, you know?" She nods. "Do you have any pains? Anything mom and dad needs to know so they can keep a lookout."

She says no, but I know she isn't being honest. "Peyton, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Your focus needs to be on your game. I know how important soccer is to you."

Not as important as my sister. "Here." I give her a kiss on her forehead. "A little healing power for the day."

"You are a goofball." She chuckles. "But I love it."

My parents and sister drop me off at the school. My bus takes off. Last year we lost in the championship game. This is my last year in junior high and I'm determined to win our school's first championship.


I run down the field and receive a pass from my teammate. I get by one girl and send the ball sailing. The goalie wasn't even close. That is my second goal of the game.

We ended up winning 3-1. As we were getting our pictures taken something was off. Where are my parents and sister?

The second we were done, I ran to Halie. "What happened?" I ask my girlfriend, who also happens to be my sister's best friend. She happens to be one year older than me, but two in school.

"Peyton we need to go." Her tone scared me. "The coaches already know you are coming with me and my parents."

This isn't good.

"What happened to Halie? Please don't lie to me."

"It's bad Peyton." Halie says, trying to keep herself together. "I don't think she is going to make it. Your parents and her haven't been honest with how she has been doing lately. It's bad, really bad."

My heart stops. "SPEED! I have to see her." I scream through tears at Halie's dad. "Please get me to my sister."

We got to the hospital as quickly as they could. Halie and I jump out of the car and run into the ER.

"Brooklynn James. I am her sister. I need to see her." I speak so fast I don't know if she understood me.

"Peyton." I turn around and see my parents.

Their faces tell me all. "Don't say it." I yell not caring if there are other people around. "Please don't say it." I cry out.

"Sweetie." My dad has tears running down his face as he approaches me. His hand touches my shoulder. "She's gone."

I hit the ground. "No!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "She can't be! BROOKLYNN!"


I shot up in bed heavily breathing and my body was sweaty. My light turns on and my father appears. "Sweetie what happened?"

"I uh... I..." I feel really confused. "I had a dream that after my soccer game I had to rush to the hospital. Brooklynn... you told me she didn't make it." I start to get out of bed. "I need to go see her."

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