Chapter 11

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Peyton POV

I glance at my phone. 7:07... Crap. Andi will be here any second. I look down at my hand and notice it is slightly shaking. I should be bouncing up and down in excitement, but instead I'm about to have a panic attack.

What makes me feel this way? It could be the fact that Andi went to my soccer game and convinced my father not to give me a curfew. She told him we were going to watch Netflix and chill. We are actually going to her friend's party.

I am not a fan of her manipulating my dad. It's one thing when I tell him a lie, but it annoys the hell out of me that she did. Now my dad thinks she is innocent but she isn't. I should refuse to go but here I am walking out the front door towards her car.

I open the door and get in. "Hey."

"Hey." She was more cheerful than me. "Are you excited for tonight?"

Am I excited to go to a college party? Hell no. I've been drunk once and I have no memory. I have no idea how I acted, so I have no clue how I'll act tonight. Not to mention I have no outlets. I will only know Andi. Am I supposed to follow her around like a lost puppy?

"Yeah. I can't wait." Lies, complete lies. "It will be a great night." I almost believed that.

Andi reaches across the console and grabs my hand. "I'm glad you are here."

I smile at our conjoined hands. "Me too."

"But..." Here we go. "Tonight at the party, remember we are only friends. I don't want people thinking I'm in a relationship."

I release my hand from hers causing a frown from the girl. "So what am I then? Your random friend that is in high school that wants to party with the older kids?"

She rolls her eyes but I don't care. "Peyton, we talked about this. I don't want to be in a relationship right now."

Neither do I. "Okay, I will make sure to show no interest in you."

"No you can!" She giggles but I'm not finding it cute. "Feel free to let everyone know you like me. It will be a nice feeling for people to view me as a wanted girl."

She cannot be serious right now. "So I am basically your pawn."

She let out an over exaggerated puff of air. "Peyton." God I hate how she keeps saying my name. "My friends know I am interested in you. I'm not keeping it a secret."

Isn't she though? "Okay Andi."

"Don't be mad at me baby." She tries talking sweetly. "You are here with me. Isn't that good enough?"

"Yeah." I mumble. This night is going to be a shit show.

The rest of the ride was silent. I'm starting to think jumping into things with someone I didn't know was a mistake.

It wasn't long before Andi pulled up to an apartment building. She goes to the back and parks. "Are you coming?"

I unbuckle and get out. I stay quiet as I follow her inside and up a flight of stairs. About three steps into the apartment there was a girl running towards Andi.

She flings her arms around her. "Andi! I was starting to think you weren't going to come."

"You know I wouldn't miss the chance to hang with everyone." Andi lets the girl's arm off of her.

The mysterious girl changes her focus and takes a step this way, putting herself in front of me. "Who is this cutie?"

My eyes travel her up and down. She is very good looking, that is a fact. "This is Peyton." Andi states. "She plays soccer at West Valley."

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