Green Goblin's Generous Proposal

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3rd Person P.O.V
Spider-Woman was swinging at a much faster speed, to the Daily Bugle. Inside the building, Jameson was standing in his now destroyed officer, with two other men by his side. "You see that, Hoffman? Those freaks nearly killed me! Go find Parker and tell him to get photos ready! Robbie get started on next paper, 'Spider-Man, Green Goblin terrorize Bugle!"

"That's a bit of stretches isn't it?" The men turn to the giant hole in the wall to see Spider-Woman standing on the rubble, arms crossed. "SPIDER-WOMAN!" Jameson shouted. "I'm glad you remembered the hyphen. Most people leave it out." Spider-Woman joked.

"Come to finished the job, have you?!" Jameson asked. "No, I don't the whole killing thing. That's more of Punisher's thing. Now what happen here?" The masked hero asked, looking at the destruction around her. "Uh well, Ms. Spider, Green Goblin..." Hoffman started, but Jameson hit his chest with the back of his hand. "Are you nuts, Hoffman? Don't tell her, anything!"

Robbie ignored Jameson's order not to tell, and instead took a step towards the hero to explain everything. "Green Goblin blew open the wall and asked who took yours and Spider-Man's photos. Spider-Man then show up and Green Goblin knocked him out with some kind of sleep gas. That's all I could see, Sorry."

"Robbie!" Jameson barked. "That's alright. That's all I..." Spider-Woman paused, when her Spider Sense went off. Acting fast she leap off the rubble and slam into Robbie, taking him down. As they fell to the ground, Spider-Woman shoots a web at Jameson and Hoffman, to yank them to the ground as well.

Right as everyone hit the ground, a blast went off, as Green Goblin flew into the office just as he did earlier. "I knew you'd come running once you heard the news! Like a month to a flame."

"Yeah, I know. I'm so predictable." Spider-Woman, leap up into a battle stance. "What did you do with Spider-Man?" She asked. "Would you like to see?" Goblin asked, holding up his arms. "Nah, I rather beat it out you!"

Spider-Woman shoots a web at the ceiling, using it to swing into Goblin and kick him. "Gah! Hold still bug!" Goblin regained his footing and held his arms up again, aiming at Spider-Woman. "Spiders are Arachnids not insects. Didn't you learn anything at school?"

"PARKER! Where is that kid?! He's missing some good shots!" Jameson said in the background, as the hero and villain continue to fight.

Green Goblin drops his arms and starts fist fighting Spider-Woman, until he slams her into a wall. Before Spider-Woman can regain her senses, Goblin held up his arms and shoot sleeping gas at her. "Time for a nap, Sleeping Beauty."

Spider-Woman shook her head, trying to fight off that chemicals that are making her drowsy. But it was a useless fight, and the hero fell unconscious. Green Goblin caught Spider-Woman as she fell and carried her to his glider. Where he flew off to where he's keeping Spider-Man.

Spider-Man and Spider-Woman sit right next to each other on a roof top, laying up against a sunroof. "Wake up, little spiders. Wake up. No, you're not dead yet. Just paralyzed, temporarily." Spider-Woman let's out a groan as she attempts to get up, but is unable to move any part of her body.

Green Goblin jump down in front of the paralyzed heroes. "You're both amazing creatures, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman." The yellow eyes on Goblin mask pull up, to reveal his real blue eyes underneath. "You two and I are not so different."

"We're not like you. You're a murderer." Spider-Man told him, still sounding drowsy. "Well, to each his own. I chose my path, you both chose the way of the hero. And they found you two amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you. Why bother?"

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