Harry Being A Little Sus

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I took the the elevator up to Harry's penthouse, still thinking about my visit to the hospital. I just... can't believe all this time Mom blame me for Dad leaving when that wasn't even the reason he left. Hell he didn't even know she was pregnant!

Which means there's some man out there in the world that's my father and he doesn't even know it. Makes me wonder if by some chance I ever cross paths with him.

It's definitely something interesting to wondering about. But... I honestly feel like I don't need that answer. Otto and Rosie, they care for me. They were there through the good and bad. Just because they weren't my blood didn't make them any less family.

The elevator ding, bringing me out of my thoughts. The doors slide open and I step out right as Harry was walking towards me. Once again my spider sense went off, for seemingly no reason.

"Hi." Harry greeted, with shy smile. "Hey." I greeted back, waving slightly. "You hungry?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah." I said and Harry's smile grew bigger. "Come in." He said, leading the way to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Harry was cooking at the stove while I cut up some vegetables. "Hope you like peppers." Harry said, looking over his shoulder at me. "I love 'em." I replied, and we both shared a smile.

I look back down at the tomato I was slicing up, when the stereo started getting louder. I look up to see Harry was turning it up. He smiles, as he started to dance like a dork. I chuckle watching him dance his way over to me, holding his hand out.

"No." I said, holding up my hand. "Come on." He said. "Harry, you know I don't dance." I said. "There's no one here but us." He said, taking me hand and pulling my away from the counter. Harry kept dancing while I swayed my body awkwardly, having absolutely no idea what I was doing.

"You look like a middle school at her first dance." Harry teased. "Oh thanks, jackass." I said, playfully smacking him on the arm. Harry laugh and took both my hands. "Here. Just follow my lead." He said, as he started leading me through the steps.

I stumbled for a quite a bit but slowly I started to get the hang of it. "Now you're getting it." Harry exclaimed, making me smile. Harry then spin me around then back again. We shared a look until I notice the butter sizzling in the pan. "Oh, the butter!" I said and Harry step away to pour the egg into the pan onto the butter.

We added some cheese and pepper to the pan before Harry folded the omelette. "Check this out." Harry said, he took the pan off the stove top, stepping back. He shook the pan for a moment then flip the omelette up into the air, trying to catch it with the pan.

Unfortunately he missed and the omelette hit the side of the pan, splitting in half. One landing in the pan while the other crashed onto the dirty floor. We both laugh looking at what's left of the omelette. "Well, we can use that part." I said, pointing to the pan.

Later Harry and I were sitting on the sofa, watching tv while we ate. "No, I'm telling you. The Scotsman is stronger." Harry said, discarding his empty plate to the coffee table.

I scoff at such a idea. "Yeah right." I said, setting my plate aside as well. "I'm serious." Harry said. "No, you're delusional. Jack was train by the greatest warriors and scholars of the world at his time. You remember the episode where he took down three archers while blindfolded." I said, holding up three fingers.

"Yeah, but the Scotsman like a walking tank with a machine gun for a leg!" Harry said. "That's your only excuse? That he has a gun for a peg-leg?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Harry performed a lip trill and shrugged. "Yeah." He said.

I laugh shaking my head. "Fine whatever." I said, waving my hand vaguely. Harry and I share a look and I glance up at his forehead, where he bump his head. "You know, there's not even a scar." I said, reaching my hand out to touch where his forehead. "Barely." I muttered, thinking back to the horrible night I hurt him.

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