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My parents offer, no, demand to keep Kailo until Friday. Under the rouse that I need to focus on the show, they are kidnapping Kai.

A three and half day break is nice. I miss him already.

Tuesday morning is a quiet one. For obvious reasons, I sleep in for the first time in months. I wake up at one in the afternoon and realize just how tired that I actually was.

I take a shower, eat a bacon and egg toasted sandwich and turn on the the TV. A commercial for the VS show comes on and they announce that Jimin will be performing. I will have to have limited contact with him there. Too many sightings together and they'll assume what they always do.

My phone rings and Demetrius is calling me.


"You ready to go to the gym?"

I sigh and smack my forehead. I forgot about that. It's tradition at this point that he takes me to do light cardio and muscle stretching two days before my big shows.

"Can we skip that today? I feel fine."

"You had a baby, Amaria. This is your first big show since. You have to look your best out there. The last thing I want is for people to point out how much weight you gained cause of Kai."

"It's only been six months, Demetrius. They can't expect me to bounce back that fast."

"Yeah but you're a model, Mari. You can't let yourself go because you had him. It's been half a year. You gotta start moving more."

I think about what he said as I inspect myself.

Half a year is kind of a long time. I look at the way that my thighs spread on the couch. They didn't used to do that before I had him. They did, but not this much.

Did I have this many stretch marks while I was pregnant? It seems like I've gotten more since he was born. Have I been eating that much more? It feels like I don't eat much at all except what I have to. I keep myself nourished just enough to make milk for Kai.

Other than that, I don't have the time or the appetite to eat.

I'll cut back more.

"Okay. I'll get ready and meet you there."

"Alright. See you in a few."

As I change into gym clothes, I look at my stomach. Slightly bloated from eating this morning, I wish I had just eaten some fruit or something instead. I change my shirt and put on a sports bra.

Changing into some leggings, I see a hint of the scar. I'm happy these are high waisted. Enough to cover both the scar and my stretch marks.

I grab my water bottle, call my driver and within 15 minutes we're off to the gym.

Four hours later and I really hate myself for saying that I'd go with him. I'm back home and exhausted. I take a lukewarm shower but even that's too much heat.

I get out and dry off, dressing in leggings and a pajama button up. When I come downstairs, he's in the kitchen filling his water bottle up.

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