𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3: 𝓗𝓸𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼

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It was that time again. They were going back. Addy couldn't wait to sit in her dorm until midnight laughing, playing games and just having fun. Having parties till one in the morning because they won the quidditch match. Fred and George pranking people and Filch trying to catch them. What trouble Harry, Ron, Hermione and Addy would get into this year. Who their new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher is. This could go on naming the things Addy loves about Hogwarts. She clambered aboard the train with other students.

The night before Addy had simply laid in bed staring at the ceiling wondering what it would be like back. Would it be like usual or would people not believe them about Voldemort being back.

Addy was looking for a compartment when she saw someone with brown hair and and hazel eyes staring upon her. "Hello Alicia." Addy said, a nice calm voice escaping her mouth not wanting to cause a crowd.

"You started dating anyone over the summer to get over Cedric?" A confused expression lay across Addy's face, "Let me be more clear. Have you started dating George? It's obvious you like him and he probably broke up with me for you."

Addy rolled her eyes as Alicia stood in front of her, Alicia's arms crossed looking at Addy direct in the eye. "First of all I'm not that rude unlike someone. Not naming any names," Addy said looking her up and down in disgust, "And second of all George is like a brother to me."

"Sure just like a brother. You know you probably turned the cup into a portkey hoping Cedric would get to it then he died. Act as if you had no idea what happened and then start dating George."

"Okay. I don't know why everyone thinks I like George. He's simply just like a brother nothing more. And no I am not the cause of my boyfriends death." She nudged Addy's shoulder when walking off.

Addy saw someone with similar hair to herself come up to her. "You better perform well at Quidditch try outs. I've told the same to Katie. I don't want to put Alicia on the team. And if you play poorly she's on and your off."

This year didn't look like it was off to a good start. Addy sat in her compartment waiting for Hermione, Ron and Harry.

The train ride felt like ages. They didn't talk much and Harry fell asleep part way to Hogwarts.

When they got up to the carriages they sat in one with a girl who Addy had sometimes seen around hogwarts. She had straggly, waist-length dirty-blond hair and a dazed look on her face. She had hold of the quibbler, which she seemed to be reading upside down. She had silvery grey eyes with very faint eyebrows that gave her a permanently surprised look.

"Hi. Um... Can we sit with you?" Addy asked. The girl looked down at her. Her eyes met Addy's and the girl recognised her instantly.

"Of course Adrianna Tonks."

They all climbed on and Addy said, "Um... I prefer to be called Addy."

"Ok but I don't understand why. Your name is pretty."

"Thanks. Everyone this is Luna Lovegood. And your name is pretty to." Her face beamed up at Addy.

The carriage ride felt like ages. No one talking. Just silence. Like on the train but no one fell asleep and Neville was with them with a plant he got for his birthday.

They got up to the castle and Addy said to Hermione, "I don't fancy going to the feast. I'll be in our dorm besides I have food in my trunk."

"Oh okay. I'll see you later. By the way the password is Mimbulus Mimbletonia."

"Thanks see you later." Addy waved by to her and headed for Gryffindor Tower. Addy walked slowly to the common room staring at the floor. She felt a strange feeling lingering around the scene and looked up. Peeves was up there ready to hit me with ink. She pulled her wand out and whispered, "protego" as Peeves threw it at her. It hit Peeves in the head and he flew off. It made Addy feel happier. She had no idea why she was sad. Addy had no reason to be sad. She knew she wasn't sad about Cedric because like Sirius said, 'I see your happier and back to your snarky comments!' The whole order knew Addy was happy again.

Adrianna Tonks - Book Five - The Order Of The PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now