𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11: 𝓔𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓻 𝓝𝓸𝓽?

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The closer it got to Valentine's day the more annoying Alicia got. She was doing anything to try get George to be her Valentine.

Obviously Valentine's day was also a Hogsmeade weekend. Addy was still on no speaking terms with Hermione.

Some nights Addy would find herself staring at the ceiling instead of actually sleeping. Wondering if George would ask her to be his Valentine's, or thinking about herself and Hermione.

On Friday morning, Addy was not in the mood for lessons. Addy had potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of magic, Herbology, Muggle Studies and Potions again. Snape was giving them much more homework the closer to the end of the year they got. He gave the most out of all the teachers by far. It drained Addy's energy to get to Potions that morning.

"Hurry up and sit down everyone." Came the sly voice from the front of the class.

"Today we will be brewing the Deflating Draught. Does anyone know what this particular potion does?" Addy and Hermione rose their hands. "No one, pity."

Addy heard Hermione scoff. "The Deflating Draught makes anything that has been swollen through magical means to shrink back to normal size." Snape said to the class.

Potions went on faster than usual and when everyone headed to Defence Against The Dark Arts Sky and Addy headed for the library.

At the end of the day Addy got changed and went to sit near the black lake. Addy had to push past all the first years, who were either running round, tackling each other or just sat reading.

"How is my favourite Gryffindor?" Addy heard behind her. It was George. He put his arm over Addy's shoulder and kissed her cheek. Addy looked up to Hogwarts and saw Hermione talking to some third years. Addy read their minds as they looked down at Addy and George.

"Oh fuck her." Addy ran up to where Hermione was and said, " Spreading rumours are we? God your turning more into Alicia by the day. "

"Just leave me alone." Hermione tried to walk away but Addy grabbed her jumper and yanked her back. "You know, Addy. You think you have everyone sussed out just because you can read minds but really you know nothing about anyone."

She turned away to walk off but Addy yelled, "We've been best friends since first year I think I have you sussed out."

Hermione nudged Addy's shoulder and raised her voice, practically shouting, "Well at least I don't skip lessons just because I hate a teacher."

Addy got mad at what she just said and punched her. Addy tried to walk away but Hermione yanked her hair. Addy pinned her to the floor continuously punching her. Hermione threw a punch back at her and students were around them shouting at the two to carry on.

Every moved at the voice of two adults. Snape dragged Addy of Hermione and McGonagall in between them making sure they didn't carry on. Addy was kicking Snape's shin and elbowing him in the stomach wanting to just hit Hermione continuously until she was in the hospital wing.

McGonagall walked off with Hermione and Snape let go of Addy, George was trying to calm her down.

"Come on, Dumbledore wants you in his office.

When they got to Dumbledore's office Hermione was already there. "Ah Miss Tonks come in. Thank you Mr Weasley."

The door closed behind Addy and she went and stood next to Hermione.

Dumbledore stood up but stayed behind his desk. "You girls both know that physical fighting is banned from the grounds. And you should both know that I have very right to expel you both..."

Hermione interrupted him, "I threw the first punch!" Addy looked at Hermione and she had a face of just go along with it.

"Is that true, Miss Tonks?"


"Really? Because from what Professor Snape saw Miss Tonks punched Miss Granger first."

"No I punched Addy first."

"Well you may have punched Miss Tonks first but I still have all right to expel you both. But seen as this might be something personal between you two I will let you off with a three week detention. Miss Granger with Professor Snape and Miss Tonks with Professor Umbridge."

My head shot up at her name, "No please anyone but Umbridge. I will even take Professor Binns just anyone but Umbridge."

"Ah yes I remember what happened with Umbridge. Okay I'll see if Professor McGonagall or Snape will take you instead. Your both free to leave."

They both walked out together in silence. Half way to the common room Addy just said, "Come here you idiot."

Addy wrapped Hermione in her tight embrace. She missed her, Hermione, the know it all, HER best friend.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up Cedric or you liking George I was just angry."

"It's fine. I shouldn't have said how your boring and need to live a little and thanks for taking the blame in there. Can't wait to hear what my sister and mum have to say."

They both laughed and caught up with everything they missed of the month they hadn't been talking.

That night Addy laid in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about Valentines and George, about how George is never around or how he hasn't asked her to be his Valentine's. Did he really love her? Or was he just trying to make her forget about Cedric?

Sorry this is a short chapter. I keep writing these late at night because I'm doing things during the day and I'm back at school on Monday so I'll be posting even less but I have a good idea for the next chapter.

Adrianna Tonks - Book Five - The Order Of The PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now