𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7: 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓬

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TW: Panic Attack. If you aren't comfortable reading it then please skip

"NOOOO!!!" Addy screamed. She woke up to Hermione shaking her. "Addy are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just had a nightmare." Addy clambered out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. She climbed in the shower to wash off the sweat coating her body. In her dream, she had remembered Cedric, spread across the quidditch pitch, with Harry laid over him.

When she got out Addy put her quidditch uniform on and went down to breakfast. Addy wasn't hungry, and she just stared at the food in front of her.

"Aren't you gonna eat, you'll need the energy for today." Sky said. Addy ate half of the food in front of her before getting up and leaving.

Addy was about to walk upstairs when someone shouted her, "Dora? what are you doing here?"

Addy walked up to her. "Dumbledore sent me an Owl asking if I wanted to come watch so here I am."

Angelina called Addy over to come down to the pitch with the rest of the team so Addy waved to Dora and walked off. Whilst everyone were getting in their seats they were all stretching. "Right. Andrew, Jack, Kenneth, Ginny and Alicia you all need to be ready in case any one comes off."

They all got ready to leave as they heard Lee.

Lee Jordan: Today's match, to start the season, is Gryffindor vs Slytherin. In the Gryffindor team we have Chaser, Captain Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell and Addy Tonks. Keeper, Ron Weasley. Beaters, Fred and George Weasley and Seeker, Harry Potter. On the Slytherin team we have Chasers, Captain Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington. Keeper, Miles Bletchley. Beaters, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, and seeker, Draco Malfoy. The golden snitch is released. Remember it's worth 150 points. The quaffle is released and the game begins. Tonks has the quaffle. She passes to Bell. Montague has it. He passes to Warrington. He passes back to Montague. He scores. 10 points to slytherin. Johnson had the quaffle. she passes to Tonks. Tonks passes to Bell. Bell passes to Johnson. She scores.

The game carried on. Harry was looking around for the snitch. Addy remembered her nightmare from last night. She looked down to the grass and pictured Harry laying over Cedric. Dumbledore trying to get Harry off him. The hedges as tall as they had been the night he died. The echoes of Addy screaming. She started hyperventilating and shaking. Addy looked at her sister in the stands and she was trying to get out and to the stairs. Addy flew down to the changing rooms and Alicia flew out.

"Addy what's wrong?" Ginny asked concerned for her.

"I-I don't k-know."

Ginny looked out into the stands but Dora wasn't in her seat. Dora ran in and said, "I'm here. What's wrong? What happened? Is it happening again?" Addy nodded. She hadn't had a panic attack since she was 7. It was the summer and her dad had just left for work. Her Mum and dad had an argument moments before he left for work, and Addy had sat in her room and listened. Dora had helped her through it.

"All of you get out!" Dora said.

"Jack go out there." Addy heard someone say behind her. She turned around and saw George. He took her broom off of her and Dora sat Addy down on the bench. Addy was getting dizzy and she was sweating.

Her hands were shaking really quickly, her heart was beating quicker than usual and she couldn't breath properly. "I don't wanna play. I don't wanna play anymore." Addy had said crying still hyperventilating.

"It's alright you don't have to. Hold my hand." Addy took Dora's had. "It's ok. We're doing this together. Ok take a deep breath in... And out... Can you tell me five things you can see."

"Y-you, George, the pitch, my broom and my water bottle."

"Ok now 4 things you can touch."

"Your hand, the bench, the floor and George's hand." George had held her hand to stop it from shaking.

"Good. Now three things you can hear?"

"Your voice, cheering and the birds."

"Two things you can smell."

"Sweat and grass." Addy started to calm down.

"Ok. One thing you can taste."

"My water." Dora hugged Addy. Her heart rate had calmed down, and she was still slightly shaking, but she wasn't panicking anymore.

"Do you want to go play again or not?"

"No. I wanna go to my dorm."

"Ok. Let's go." Addy got up, picked up her broom and walked back up to the castle with Dora. They walked up to her room and Addy got changed.

Dora came into Addy's dorm and she started doing her hair. Dora always did it when they were younger.

When the match finished Hermione, Ginny and Sky burst into the dorm where Addy was reading my book The Hunger Games. "Are you alright. George told us what happened." Hermione asked out of breath.

"Hermione. Calm down. I'm fine." Hermione was concerned, Addy had never told Hermione that she had panic attacks even though she's Addy's best friend. "Wanna go to the great hall?"

"Ok." Addy said, she walked down to the common room with Hermione, they heard Alicia Spinnet. "I mean obviously I'm better at quidditch than her like who goes off mid match because of a panic attack. I mean in my opinion she was faking so she could get away from Angelina. I mean Oliver didn't boss us around like she does." Of course she was slagging off Addy and Angelina behind their backs.

Addy walked behind her and said, "I mean in my opinion Alicia spreads rumours before getting facts right. Oh wait Alicia can't learn facts because she's to busy slagging people off. If your so annoyed with Angelina 'bossing us around' then why did you sign back up for the team? Huh. Go on I'm waiting for an answer."

"To prove I'm better than you. Like I did today." Alicia said it really smug like she was the queen or something.

"Oh you believe what you want." Addy said, she walked past Alicia knocking her shoulder on the way out and went to the Great Hall with Hermione and Sky.

Adrianna Tonks - Book Five - The Order Of The PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now