𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13: 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 5𝓪𝓶

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"Are you sure you didn't break up with him?"


"Really? You two haven't been talking for two weeks now."

It was Monday morning. It had been two weeks since George and Addy fell out. If they saw each other in the corridor they would gaze at each other for a moment and carried on walking like nothing happened. It killed Addy to do so.

"I can assure you we didn't break up but we did fall out."

Addy picked her stuff up to go to History of Magic but she felt a presence following her. Addy didn't think anything of it until Addy turned around and saw Fred. "Leave me alone, Weasley."

"Tonks just wait." He grabbed her wrist and span her around. "What happened with you and George? He won't tell me."

"Oh my Merlin! Leave me alone about it. All I've heard for the past two weeks is George and you this, George and you that! I'm sick of it. We fell out so what? Every boyfriend and girlfriend fight. Either have a normal conversation with me or fuck off."

Addy walked off to History of Magic regretting yelling at Fred but she was sick of it.

Addy walked to the Owlery to see if she had any mail. She had three letter: One from Dora, One from Mrs Weasley and One was anonymous.

Dora's letter said:

Dear Addy,

Remus told me you had another panic attack. I hope you're alright. Anyway in your last letter you said you and George had fallen out. If he does break up with you I'll come to the school and knock the shit out of him. I hope you're alright and I assume you're still skipping Umbitch lessons.

See you soon,


I giggled at Dora's letter. God was she hilarious.

Mrs Weasley's letter said:

Dear Addy,

I hope you and George sort things out soon. I hope no one is bothering you about it. I don't think your sister has told you this because she doesn't want you to worry but I think you have every right to know. Your parents have gone on an Order mission. They were ment to be back yesterday but we still don't have word from them. Dumbledore might be sending someone out soon to find them. I'll tell you when they are back.

Hope you are alright,


Addy was scared and angry now. She was angry because how could Dora not tell her this. They are her parents to, she should have told her.

Addy was scared because what if her parents where dead, what if they had been kidnapped.

The anonymous one said:

Dear Adrianna,

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 4am.

From anonymous

Why so late in the night? Addy was thankful it was a Friday night and not a school night.

Addy went and found Charlotte, Sky and Hermione and showed them the anonymous letter.

When it reached 3:55 Addy left her dorm. Fuck whoever made her wake up at 3:45 in the morning. Addy was exhausted.

She made her way to the Astronomy Tower. Addy had to light her wand to see where she was going. Filch had almost caught her once. When she reached the top of the astronomy tower no one was there. Addy wanted to punch whoever told her to go here even though she didn't know who it was.

Addy found a note left. Her curious side over took her and she picked it up. Addy read it.

You actually showed up. Now look around what looks different. -anonymous.

Addy spun around in curiosity. What looks different, Addy replayed in her mind. Addy looked around this whole place and nothing seemed different. She rested her hands against the railing as she gave up looking. As soon as her hands touched the metal, fairy lights appeared spiralling around the room. Another note appeared with them.

I knew you would try to give up on this. Follow these lights.

Addy traced her hands along them and it took her to the secret door she remembered. Addy took Cedric down when almost being caught by Filch. As she walked down she was tracing her hand on the wall above the lights remembering every time her and Cedric ran down here escaping from any Professors or Filch.

When Addy was half way down the stairs she realised the lights were taking her down a secret passageway she had never seen before. Addy followed them her wand still alight. The walls looked like they were made of stone and it was quite cold. the wall was covered in vines which gave it a nice look.

Addy was stood on one of the hills surrounding the black lake. She followed them round a tree and found some CD's with a note.

I bet you recognise this place. Pick a CD and then realise this is the wrong hill.

Addy picked up the CD with the song A Thousand Years. Addy looked around and thought about what it ment by the wrong hill. Addy looked to her right and saw the tree her and George had danced on. Addy ran down the hill and back up the other one.

She had found another note.

We've got entertainment now food because I know you love it.

She looked down and saw Bertie Bots and a Chocolate bar. Addy picked up the chocolate and flipped it over.

There was another note.

How did I know you would pick this one, love? How about you go back to the starting place? - G

G? Who's name begins with a G? Addy thought. then it clicked. George!

Addy ran to the Astronomy Tower. As she made it back into the school she saw Filch. He had seen her. Addy started running back to the hills so she could go back through the secret passage.

"COME BACK HERE TONKS!" Filch screeched.

He followed her. Addy was running as fast as she could. Filch broke out into a small jog. Addy managed to make it over one hill whilst he jogged past the black lake. Addy ran up the second hill, to the side of the tree over looking the black lake and back into the passageway.

Addy watched the exit close behind her. She heard Filch curse loudly and she walked to the Astronomy Tower. Addy was freezing earlier but now she was sweating. How fast was she running?

Addy was walking up the stairs when she heard someone sigh. Addy snook up the stairs and saw someone with bright ginger hair. Addy brought herself into view and said, "It's five am what the fuck do you want.

Addy saw George flinch as he turned to her.

"I didn't think you were gonna show up. I also saw that you found that passageway useful."

"You can shut up. You are the one that has made me wake up at the crack of Dawn you moron." Addy laughed walking towards him.

"Look Addy. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. It's was something you said because you were angry. I shouldn't have ignored you and I should've told you I was busy or something instead of just making you go out with Sky. I shouldn't have got mad over it and I'm truly-"

Addy broke George of by kissing him. "Your an idiot. I was only mad that you stormed off after our first date. I knew you would be mad if you found that out. Anyone would be. Now shut up and kiss me."

Suddenly, he yanks her against him and bends his head to kiss me. Addy melted into him as his fingers tangle in her messy hair. Addy's mouth opens to his, and their tongues meet for the briefest instance before he pulls away.

"So what do you recommend to encourage affection?" George asked.

Addy was shocked. That sentence. That quote. It's from Pride and Prejudice.

"Dancing. Even if ones partner is barely tolerable." Addy replied.

Adrianna Tonks - Book Five - The Order Of The PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now