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We just stayed in silence beside each other . But it's a comfortable silence . "Do you want me to take you home" I just stared at him with slightly nervousness shown on my face right after he asked . With his huskies voice , my heart cant handle it anymore. Thank god i was sitting or who knows i would fall just by hearing his voice .

"I...don't want to go home...yet.." I'm not sure if I should called my home as "home" . Just thinking about it could make tears come out of my eyes .

"Do you want to stay with me then" he asked with sincere in his eyes , gently stroking my hair. After a long pause of me thinking , finally I answered "Sure , if you don't mind with me staying with you" I answered him shyly avoiding eye contact. I know this is selfish of me to decide, but I just don't want to apart with him yet . He smiled gently giving me assurance showing that he is okay with it.
I sat at the passenger seat slowly buckling my seat belt as he do the same . A few minutes passed by until he ask what's my name . "Y/n" "y/n l/n" i answered nervously. He just nodded with a small smile created at the corner of his lips . On the other hand , you just scanned his whole body and face due to his hot look . He wears oversized hoodie and ripped jeans with the same colour . He also have a chain around his neck with his right hand on the transmission while the other gripping the steering wheel . "Enjoying the view? You can take a picture if you want , It might last longer" he smirked  with his eyes still focusing on the road.

"I- I'm not" what a great time to stutter, y/n . I thought to myself with my heart beating so fast right now which i had no idea why . I just met him few hours ago yet I already feel like I like him... maybe a little . And right now i feel like the need to slap myself . Which I didn't because it might look weird if I suddenly did that . it's definitely far more embarrassing then what just happened just now.

I heard him chuckle lightly which is so cute and i can feel my face heat up . And yes finally i gather the courage to ask him his name . "You asked me for my name and now its my turn to ask yours . So what's your name" "Levi , Levi Ackerman" i let out a long breath which I didn't know i hold . "That's a pretty name you got there" i said with a small smile plastered on my face . "So you're still high school?" I asked . "Yeah" "Me too" .

I wonder if his parents will be alright with him brought a stranger home .

Levi saw me thinking about something so he decided to break the silence by telling me he lived alone at an apartment.
"Take off your shoes" he said while waiting at the doorframe to let me in first . I did what he told me to without questioning anything which i know there are no reason to ask him anything about it anyways .

As I walk further in to his house i could see a pretty fancy living room with a pretty big TV placed on the shelf in front of all the sofas. "Woah" I'm pretty shocked and also impressed seeing his house this big . The kitchen is so big and fancy of course. "How can you afford all of this when it's clearly you live alone and still a high school student" I ask with a confuse look I gave him . "Who knows...maybe I stole money from someone.." he answered almost immediately with a grin plastered on his face . There's a long pause after he said that. "You know i was joking right." He asked slightly worried . "Of course i do" you said as you rolled your eyes . "The bedroom is also good" he said trying to brush off the subject earlier

He held my hand softly and led me to the bedroom .

He didn't lie when he said the bedroom is good . But for me it's REALLY GOOD . Even though it's totally dark but i still like it . No . I LOVE IT . He noticed that i smile slightly that makes his heart flutter . He walk to the closet at the corner of the room and hand me one of his hoodie and high waisted shorts.

"You should take a shower and change . You can just put your wet clothes on the bed so i can dry it off" you slowly nodded at his words as he hand you a towel from inside of his closet.

Quietly you led yourself to the bathroom which is connect with the bedroom. As you stepped your foot in the shower , you let the hot water flowing at your body as you relax yourself trying to forget about what happened at home few hours ago.
You walk out of the room and then you saw Levi in the kitchen making ramen . Slowly you walk towards him in order to tackle him . "And now you're standing behind me planning to tackle me huh" and now all my plans ruined by him which irritated me . "No , i am not" I said confidently trying to keep my pride . He just nodded as he rolled his eyes , yet his smile did not fade.

He walk out of the kitchen heading to the living room with me behind . He set two bowl of ramen across each . So i sat face to face with him at the place where he put the ramen at .We just sat there silently while he kept staring at me and it's kinda make me a little nervous. "Is there something on my face?" I asked him shyly , softly rubbing my face . "N-no" he stuttered which makes you smile .

"You just look cute in my hoodie..." his words literally caught me off guard and I can see his cheeks tinted with slightly red . This guy just came out of nowhere and easily can make my heart melt with his compliments. I just replied him with an awkward smile because I'm too shy to say anything.

After a second , he asked if I want to go home tomorrow. I told him that I need to so he just nodded without questioning about anything. I can sense that he is worried about me , indeed I'm happy about it . I gave him a soft smile giving him reassurance that I'm totally fine.
Levi decided to let me sleep in his room while he sleep at the guest room . And yes of course we had a little argument which i said I should be the one to stay at the guest room but he insisted. So I gave up .

I lie down on his bed , pulling the blanket to cover my body so I can keep myself warm . I feel my face heat up as i can smell his collagen from his pillow and blanket . As i was nuzzling into his pillow , immediately I drifted myself to sleep.

forever yours ( Levi x F!Reader )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant