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Levi's POV
I went to the rooftop but y/n is nowhere to be found . I started to think of places where people don't go much . After a second of thinking , I thought of one place . The back of the school building.

I ran to the place , that's when I heard sobbing . Quietly , i take a few steps forward, eyes on her back . She sat on the ground , crying alone with the sandwich in her hand remained untouched . She looks so broken . I can't stand watching her like this . I was so furious about what Petra did to her . That's the most disgusting move I've ever witnessed.

I sit beside her , wrapped my hand around her , stroking her hair slowly with my other hand stroking her back . She stopped crying as she look me in the eye . "No , Levi , y-y-you cant be with me right now . I look so awful . So..... please go back to the class" she said , trying to push me away...again. I smiled slightly giving her assurances that's everything is okay . I told her about Petra as she cried more saying she's so sorry about the trouble she caused and trying to avoid me . "It's not your fault y/n , I'm sorry I noticed everything so late" "w-why would you do that? Why did you help me?" She said still sobbing as I wipe out her tears with my thumb .

"Because i like you , y/n . I don't like seeing you hurt like this . I hate it . Ever since we met , i want you to stay by my side . I want to protect you . I want to be with you . I'm not forcing you to say it back-" I was cut off by her soft lips brushed with mine . I was shocked but slowly I give in . I smiled slightly through the kiss as my hand made their way to the back of her head , stroking her hair . With her arms around my neck.

We broke the kiss , trying to catch our breath. I can see her face heat up , with a small smile on her face . "I-i like you too , Levi" she said as I kiss her again .

We made our way together to the classroom, with my arms around her shoulder. I'm so glad i met her that day . I'm so glad I fell in love with her . Our hand fit so well together. Her laugh , her smile , i love it . I want to see more of it . I want her to stay by my side.... forever.
She told me she got no work to do today so I decided to take her to drink coffee together.

We arrived at the mall nearby , heading to the cafe that are currently popular right now . Today is our lucky day as there not many people there . We go straight to the empty seat at the corner of the cafe . She sit at the opposite of me , putting her bag to the side . We both look at the menu that are given on the table , looking through it thinking of what to order .

We called the waiter after we thought of what we want . I order a cup of hot black tea while she order (favourite coffee) along with croissants and blueberry cheesecake . After we order everything, the waiter decided to promote about their special menu for us . "As today is our grand opening , we have a special chocolate cake that is made specially from our chef with his own recipe. This is a limited edition cake along with an egg tart . Do you want to try it ?" Y/n look at me asking for permission with her eyes which I answered with a nod . "We will take it but can you cancel the blueberry cheesecake and the croissants I ordered earlier?" "Sure" the waiter answered with a smile , making his way to the counter to type our order .

"So , do you want to go anywhere after this?" I asked her as she take a look at her phone to look at the time . She paused to think for a second . Then , she decided to broke the silence with "i don't think so , Levi . My parents would be really mad if I go home late" she smiled sadly along with a nervous laugh .

Our order already served by the waiter earlier with the cake and the tart were placed in between us. I saw sparkles in her eyes as she saw the chocolate cake the waiter served earlier . The cake was putted in the chocolate as the waiter pour a cup of hot chocolate on it to reveal the chocolate . It was beautifully made . "Prettyyy ! Levi , look at this" she said enthusiastically eyes still on the cake . I chuckles at her reaction, she blushed when she noticed my eyes on her . The waiter made his way back to do his work .
After we ate together earlier, i sent her home . She thanked me for today . I'm glad I can see her smile and happy today . I'm so glad that I'm the reason she smiled .

forever yours ( Levi x F!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now