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TW// panic attack, overthinking, death
I woke up with the smell of someone's cooking so I thought it was Levi....well who else right ? Haha . I stayed in bed a for a minute to make my eyes fully awake . Slowly, i get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth as well as wash my face .

I walked to the kitchen where i saw Levi is making some tea with two plates of pancake with a bottle of honey syrup serve on the table .

"Good morning , y/n" he greeted me with a lazy smile on his face while I greet him back . We sat on the table together that Levi already serve earlier with a big smile on my face . You could say my smile could reach my ears though. To be quiet honest , it's been a long time since I woke up with breakfast already serve on the table . Usually my parents and my....sister? I don't know... experience this moment .

While we are eating, I was thinking if I could ask Levi either he can send me to my house or not. What if he thinks I'm a burden ? I stayed one night at his house , slept at his room on his bed while he used the guest room. Wouldn't he think I'm annoying. The breakfast also he is the one who cooked , while me sleeping and just do nothing......

You're just a burden y/n

                                                  Why don't you just die
                                                                         You always make people's life harder

just go and drown yourself at the lake
                                                                         you're such an eyesore

Levi 's POV

I watch y/n closely as I noticed tears started to fall out her eyes . I was so shock , I was panic, I don't know what to do . So i tried to call out her name but it seems like she didn't hear me . "Y/n please wake up ! Y/n please" I watch her closely as she raise her hands to her ears to cover it . Her breath is shaking . I get up from my seat , and walk out to her . I grab her shoulder shaking her softly , asking her to breath .

"T-the v-v-voices it won't s-stop..." I heard she stuttered while talking . "Y/n breath. Inhale.....exhale" "i-i can't" she said as more tears started to flow out her eyes . I hate to see her like this . Whoever did this to her , I seriously want to hurt them so bad.

I take her hand , place it on my chest as I tell her to follow the way I breathe . And yes she did as she told, but her breathing is still shaking . I rub her back with my palm , drawing a circle around it as I assured her that she's safe with me .

She's starting to calm down , but , i still can feel her body is shaking .

I hug her tightly, keeping her in my arms . She didn't hug me back but I don't care . I just want her to feel safe and for her to stay with me .

Slowly I push her away, for me to see her face . "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked almost whisper but enough for her to hear me. She shake her head as a sign for a 'no' . So I just nodded while my finger find their way to wipe out her tears .

I stroked her hair as I kissed her at the forehead.

She smiled but I know that's not the one she usually gave me.

"You should go to shower . I will put your clothes on the bed so you can change after , okay?" She answered with a nod as I hold out my hand to help her get up .

I watch her figure disappeared as she walk to my room to take a shower.

I get up from my seat , heading to the laundry room where I left her clothes yesterday. I fold her clothes neatly so that the clothes does not wrinkle.

I left her clothes on the bed like how I told her I would do . I heard the shower stopping , so I make my way out of the room to give her own privacy.

forever yours ( Levi x F!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now