73 1 8

TW // blood , abuse
As the bell rang , I started to packed my bag as I made my way to my locker. I put all my books into the locker except for maths as I need to finish the works our teacher gave us .

Right now is 2 p.m as my shift start at 4 p.m so I still have time to spare. I'm walking towards the school gate to head home while I heard someone called my name. I turn around , then I saw Levi walking towards me as his eyes locked with mine .

I wait for him while several people walk past me. As he stopped right in front of me he asked "do you mind if I want to send you to your house ?"

I was shocked on what he was saying , feeling dizzy in my stomach as I looked over to Levi , who was kindly smiling at me .

"No , it's okay Levi , I can walk" I answered him , returning the smile as I patted his shoulder lightly. "I insist. Come on y/n it's okay , we're heading to the same way aren't we?" He gave me no time to fight back as he take my hand , walking towards his shining black car at the school parking lot .

I'm sitting at the passenger seat as Levi take out the car keys, starting the engine. He changed the gear as he started to drive out of the school through the school gate.

He turn on the radio as The Hills started to play .

I started singing the song out loud vibing with myself as I saw Levi just chuckling seeing me singing. I just continue my singing , convince Levi to sing with me . "No" he refused many times then I gave up . "You are no fun" I pouted feeling rejected glaring at him , turn my head as my eyes focusing outside the window .

I started to realise we are not on our way to our neighbourhood. "Where are we going?" I asked , confusion on my face , he just smiled as a response which make me more curious. I raised my eyebrows confuse with his response. "I need to go to work at 4 p.m.." He just hummed while nodding slightly showing he understood.

He stop his car in front of Starbucks making his way out of the car . "Let's go" right after he said that , I unbuckle my seat belt making my way out of the car as well .

We walk in through the door as the employee there greet us Welcome . We just smile at them as we made our way to the counter to order our coffee .

"Hello , what can I get for you?" She asked Levi . "Give me one Black Tea Latte , Grande" she hummed as she lend her eyes on me "give me one f/d , Grande , please," she nodded as she type our order . Levi take out his money to pay , then we waited for our order .

The lady from before gave us our drinks and tissues while she winked at Levi . I raised my eyebrows , trying to process what happened. I look at Levi while he gave her a 'what the fuck' look . I saw one of the tissue had a number on it . Levi took our drinks , left the number at the counter as he gave her a death glare . She just rolled her eyes as she saw Levi wrapped his hands around my waist .

We sit quietly in the car drinking our drinks that Levi bought just now . Levi spilled his tea while driving asking me to pass him a tissue. I hand him a tissue while winking at him just to receive a blank face as a response. I burst out laughing at his reaction as he hit my forehead lightly , rolling his eyes . I can see he smile lightly while his eyes on the road .
I take off my shoes and was about to go to my room until my father grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall . His hand on my throat, chocking me roughly , enough for me to breath a little. My feet is floating unable to touch the floor . I tried to push his hand off but it didn't move even an inch . I can smell strong alcohol from him .

"Give me money" he demanded, gritting his teeth while clenching his hand tightly. "I-i-i don't h-have money" I said trying to gasp for air as tears started to roll down my cheeks. He let go of me as i fell to the ground , breathing heavily.

He take a knife from the kitchen drawer , quickly walking towards me . Fear started to take over me , my body shaking hoping someone would come to save me when I know it won't happen . My father stabbed my thigh harshly. My breathe is heavy , sweat dripping of me , blood pouring down my leg . He loosened his grip on the knife as he said "that's what you get for lying." He pushed me to the side , taking my wallet out of my pocket as he took all of the money that I have then he walked out of the house leaving me bleeding on the floor .

I pull out the knife , toss it to the side as blood started to pour out more . I tore my shirt and used it to tie my thigh . I always hide all the big knives and left the small one instead as I know this would happen. He used the small knife , so the cut is not too deep but it still hurts . I stand slowly but I still keep my right hand on my thigh as I walk up the stairs heading to my room .

I take out the first aid kit that I kept in my room , making my way to the bathroom . I sit on the floor slowly with tears still streaming down my cheeks. I untied the shirt as I clean all the blood with an antiseptic , enduring all the pain it causes me . Carefully, I started to stitch the wound . I learned how to stitch my wound when I was 10 . That was the first time my father stabbed my leg . I'm too scared to go to the hospital as I know the doctor might make a report about my family.

As I done stitching my thigh , I discard my clothes , hop in to the shower . I wash my  hair and my body just sit on the floor giving up about everything. I feel weak and lifeless .

After a while , I wrap my towel around my body and head back to my bedroom . I stand in front of my closet while my hands made their way to my oversized hoodie and shorts. I took them out while I discarded my towel from my body , replaced it with my hoodie and shorts. I went straight to bed , didn't even bother to brush my hair or anything.

forever yours ( Levi x F!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now