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Before me standing in the middle of the arena, that they just blasted their way into, was Phoebe, Hailee, Bowie and Alex. Also known as, the four people I wanted to see again the most throughout my whole experience in the Dark Phoenix hideout. I noticed that Hailee and Alex were holding laser guns as well.

It took everyone in the stands a long time to realize what had just happened, but when they did realize, it didn't take them long to act. After what felt like an hour long awkward staring contest between the Dark Phoenix members, and my friends, laser blasts started firing from everywhere. An all out gunfight sparked between Dark Phoenix members, and us. And by us I mean my friends. I, on the other hand, was defenseless, since my weapon was back in the interrogation room, and ran to find cover. I knew to get it, I had to run back to the interrogation room, but how was I supposed to with all the laser blasting going on.

Amidst all of this, Zero had a smirk plastered on his face, and his hand outstretched as if he was waiting for something to come to it. Then, I realized immediately what he was trying to get to come to him. It petrified me when I did. Just like how I could get my sword to come to me that one time when I was fighting the dragons, he was doing the same thing. Unfortunately for me, I lost that ability since then, and couldn't get it to come to me that way anymore. I tried to tell myself that maybe he didn't know how to do it either, and that it wouldn't work. That thought was instantly eradicated the second I saw a black trident zoom into his left hand.

The second it did, I felt an instant wave of pure malice, negativity, and darkness hit me. I could tell everyone else was affected as well. Even his own members stopped fighting as soon as it came into his grasps. I wondered how strong this man had to be if his aura alone could make people's bodies feel this way. Suddenly, I realized the amount of danger my dear friends who came to save me were in.

"I think I'm going to get rid of you guys first before I deal with that brat, Ezra," Zero stated, menacingly, as he slowly started inching towards them while twirling his trident. I could tell they wanted to move, but they were frozen in fear.

Using the trident infamously known for being able to destroy absolutely anything, Zero fired a huge stream of dark, purple, energy towards them.

"Nooo!!" I cried. With pure adrenaline powering my body, I jumped in front of the attack, hoping my cursed ki would kick in, and that I would be able to shield my friends from the stream. Just like I had hoped, it did. The wave of energy hit my arms, but it didn't blast me to smithereens. My cursed ki was working again!

Took you long enough, End said. I almost felt bad for you.

If you aren't going to be helpful, do me a favor and shut up, I replied.

Aw, someone's grumpy. Well, have fun getting obliterated.

If anyone's going to be doing the obliterating, it's me.

With my cursed ki working again, a huge wave of confidence washed over me. I didn't care about what notorious group Zero was the leader of at that point. All I cared about was protecting my comrades.

"H-How are you not dead?!" Zero bellowed. "No weakling like you should be able to survive that."

"That's where you got it wrong. I'm not a 'weakling.'"

"That so?" Zero asked. "You're one interesting character, Ezra."

"Want to see how interesting I can really be?" I replied. At this point, we were slowly walking around in circles, sizing each other up. Just like when I had sparred with Phoebe. All of our training started flooding to my memory. All of a sudden, we both felt like the window of opportunity to strike was open, and we launched ourselves towards each other at the same time.

Despite me having fighting experience that was equivalent to a newborn baby's, I was actually putting up a fight. All of our blows were equal. Every time he attacked, I defended with just as much power. Every time I attacked, he defended with just as much power too. We were equal for awhile. Not forever though. In the middle of the fight, I started getting cocky. That caused me to lose my footing a little. Zero immediately noticed, and took advantage quickly. In one swift motion, he spun around me, swept my legs, and then blasted me with a huge ball of dark energy while I was on the ground. I got knocked back, and crashed hard into a wall. I was bleeding all over, and could barely move. Zero came up to me in a slow, yet menacing fashion. He got right in front of my sweaty, bloody, dirt covered face, and lifted my chin up with his left hand.

"Such a shame. We could've ruled the world together."

"I'd never work with you, asshole."

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that," Zero shrugged. "Leo, can I borrow your cutlass for a second. I don't want to get my trident dirty."

"Of course, sir," Leo said, as he threw the cutlass his way. Zero caught it, and turned his head back to me.

"Do it already you piece of sh-"

After hearing a loud, "Schloook" I looked down at my chest. I was stabbed directly into my heart. I didn't even feel the pain at first.

"NOOOOO!!!" Hailee shrieked. I could see Phoebe, and Alex's frozen faces as they looked at me. They looked like they had a mix of anger, and sadness bubbling up inside them.

I started to feel the pain, and looked up at Zero's grinning, sinister face. He started to push the sword deeper into me so I would bleed more. I started spitting out blood, and he began laughing the more I spat.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!" Alex bellowed. I was slowly losing consciousness, but I still could see Alex, Hailee, and Phoebe rushing at Zero with swords that I guessed they took from one the Dark Phoenix members. I wanted to do something so badly, but I was slipping out of existence with every passing second. I reached out with my right hand using the last ounce of life force inside me, and hoarsely said, "Alex...stop." It wouldn't have done anything even if he heard me, but I was speaking way too quietly anyway. I knew Alex was way too enraged to listen to anybody at that time.

The feeling I expected to come at some point had finally arrived. I got one last blurry look of my friends, and then my head slumped back completely. The feeling I had never felt up until that point.


Ezra Phantoms: The Cursed SwordWhere stories live. Discover now