Chapter 3: Coming Out

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"Korra!" Kourtney knocked on her door. "Dinner."

Korra was barely awake, she sighed, "Let's go, Naga."

"Aunt Lin made pasta ." Kourtney waited at her little sister's door. Korra smelled her Aunt's delicious cooking and was now wide awake. The two raced each other to the kitchen table.

"You two are in a good mood." Lin said.

Korra and Kourtney smiled at each other. "It's been a long time." Kourtney said.

They finished eating, "Aunt Lin, are you Kya ever going to have kids. I mean when me and Kourtney leave."

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it." Kya grabbed her wife's hand. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Korra, do you want to go see something tonight? It's not that far away." Kourtney asked.

Korra looked at Lin and Kya, "Can we?"

"Sure, just be back before curfew." Lin said.

"Thank you so much." Korra went to her room to grab her jacket and shoes.

Kourtney smiled as she saw her sister's face light up. "I hate that she had to grow up so fast. She never really had the same childhood I had. I know that dad becoming chief was good for our family but it forced her to be more... professional. And after they died she shut herself off from everyone. I hated seeing her depressed."

"Kourtney, we are so proud of the person you're becoming. I know your mom would be too." Kya said. "I'm proud of you, kid. Most sisters don't want anything to do with their younger siblings. She needs you more than anything." Lin added.

"I'm ready to go." Korra came running. "We'll be back." Kourtney put her arm around her sister's shoulder.

The drive to Kourtney's secret location was fun for both of them. They blasted music the whole way. Korra knew almost every song. Kourtney loved that she could share times like this with Korra.

"Why are we going into the forest?" Korra started to get nervous.

"Korra, there's nothing here that can hurt you, I'll make sure of that. Just stay close to me." Kourtney found a beautiful peak that was deep in the forest that looked over Republic City. She knew Korra would love it. "It's just up this hill." Kourtney was pulling Korra along. Until they reached the peak. "What do you think?" She smiled.

Korra looked out toward the city, "It's beautiful."

Kourtney sat on a huge rock and let her feet dangle. She patted the spot next to her, "Come sit. I promise I won't let you fall."

Korra hesitantly sat next to her sister. Kourtney wrapped an arm around Korra's shoulders, "This will be our spot. If anything ever happens just come to this spot and I will find you. I promise I will always be here for you."

Korra felt so safe around her sister. She knew it was time to tell her. "Kourtney can I tell you something? Please I don't want you to look at me differently."

"Korra, you can tell me anything. Nothing will change the way I look at you. Unless you murder someone." She joked.

Korra sighed Fuck it she thought to herself. "I'm... gay." Korra put her head down.

Kourtney looked at her and laughed, "Really Korra, you know I'm bi, right? Why would I look at you differently? Even if I was straight I wouldn't care who you were attracted to as long as you were happy. I know mom and dad would've accepted you, if that's what you were worried about."

Korra looked at her sister and broke down. She wrapped her arms around Kourtney, "Thank you so much. I really miss them."

Kourtney returned the embrace, "I do too. I know they're not here anymore but I made a promise that I would take care of you. I'll do everything in my power to keep that promise, I love you so much, Korra. I'm so proud of the person you've matured into over the past five months. I know it's been hard but you never gave up."

The sun started to set, "Look at that." Kourtney smiled. Korra looked at the red and pink sky and remembered the times the whole family would do this same thing in the Water Tribe. Her heart ached for those moments.

Kourtney pulled her out of her thoughts "So, this girl who gave you her phone number. You like her?"

"Yeah, I really do. It's weird because we just met, you know." Korra looked at her sister.

"Maybe you should follow your heart." Kourtney looked at her little sister and realized how much she looks like their mom. "What's her name?"

"Asami Sato, she's a vol—" Korra was cut off by her sister.

"Sato! Like the makers of the Satomobile. Damn Korra, that's a catch. Never let her go." Korra never put the two together. Almost on cue her phone dinged.

Asami: Hey Korra, how was your day?

Kourtney looked at Korra and smiled, "You gonna text back?"

"What do I say?" Korra felt her face get hot. She was nervous.

"Korra, how was your day?" Kourtney asked sarcastically.

"Oh," Korra immediately opened her phone.

Korra: It was really good. How was yours?

Asami: Mine was great. Do you want to hang out tomorrow night? After my volleyball practice.

"Do you think Aunt Kya would mind?" Korra asked her sister.

"I think she would be fine with it. But still ask her." Kourtney said. "Right."

Korra: I would love to.

Asami: Great! Text me your address. I'll pick you up tomorrow.

Korra: 7th street southwest.

Asami: I'll see you tomorrow at school.

Korra: See you then. Good night.

Asami: Good night.

"Korra, good job." Kourtney punched her shoulder.

"Thanks." Korra said.

They spent the next hour staring at the city in the distance and watched as the sun set behind the buildings in the distance.

A/N: If you have any suggestions let me know. Hope you enjoyed:)

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