Chapter 10: The Argument

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"Counseling! Why?" Korra yelled.

"Korra, you know exactly why." Kya said, calmly. Kourtney and Lin were standing behind her.

"I'm not going!" Korra yelled again. Kourtney noticed that Korra's demeanor was childish in a way and that was unusual.

"Don't yell at my wife like that! Show her some respect!" Lin raised her voice.

"Korra, don't make this hard. Please. You need to talk to someone." Kya said. Her body language was completely calm.

"No, they didn't help me when mom and dad died, why would they help me now!" Korra yelled again.

"Korra, this is not optional. It will help you if you let it." Lin said.

"Why do you care? I know damn well you didn't want me here!" Korra said as tears started to well up in her eyes.

Lin was taken back by the comment, "What do you mean I didn't want you here? I was the one who made sure that you had everything you needed!"

Kya let out a sigh, "Korra, you are going and that's final." Kya walked out of the room with her wife.

"She didn't mean what she said. She's just very emotional and doesn't know what she's saying." Kya rubbed her wife's back.

"Are you sure about that, Kya? She made it very clear that I didn't want her here." For the first time ever Kya saw her wife's eyes start to tear up. She finally broke down, "What am I doing wrong? I'm trying so hard to be there for her." Lin let her tears flow freely.

Kya pulled her into a tight embrace, "She knows you care about her. You're not doing anything wrong, I promise you. I love you." Kya kissed Lin's head.

Back in Korra's room, Kourtney was pissed off at her sister, "Why would you say that? After everything they have both sacrificed for us, you have the audacity to say that Lin doesn't care!"

"Just leave me alone, Kourtney." Korra said.

"No, I want you to apologize to both of them right now!" Kourtney raised her voice.

"Why?" Korra replied sharply.

"Ugh! Why are you so fucking difficult!" Kourtney was losing her cool.

"Why am I difficult? You're really asking that after what we went through. Sometimes I wonder if you even care at all about their death." Korra realized what she just said. "Kourtney, I'm sorry, I...I didn't me—"

Kourtney blew up, "How dare you say that! You don't think these past six months haven't been hard for me! I lost my best friends, the only people in this world that really loved me for me! I have put my whole future on hold to help Lin and Kya take care of you! I have done so much for you and this is how you repay me. Fuck you, Korra!" Kourtney stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

Kya and Lin looked at each other, "I'll go check on Kourtney." Lin said.

Kya sighed, "I'll go to Korra."

Lin wiped her eyes and knocked on Kourtney's door, "You want to talk?"

Kourtney sighed but finally gave in, "Sure."

Lin sat on the bed next to her, "What's going on?"

"I don't know what to do with her anymore. I'm trying so hard to be the person mom and dad wanted me to be but I keep failing." Kourtney's head was in her hands.

Lin started rubbing her back, "They would be proud of you. When Korra said that I didn't care about her, that hit deep. I started wondering if I wasn't doing enough but Kya showed me that I was. You, Kourtney are doing so much more than both of us combined. Korra is a difficult person but I love her the same even if she doesn't think so."

The younger girl was sobbing. Lin pulled her close and held her.

Before Kya came back in, Korra sat on her bed and really let it sink in about what she said. She began crying, "I'm such a fuck up. Why do I say such stupid things."

A knock on her door regained her attention. Kya opened it and sat on the chair in front of Korra. "Korra, I know you're struggling. I know losing your parents has taken a chunk out of you. We all grieve in different ways and I know that you don't mean what you said to Lin or your sister, but it still hurts the same to them."

"I'm so sorry. I screw everything up." Korra's mind was collapsing in on itself.

"No, you don't. I know everything seems like it's messed up, but there will always be moments like this in everyone's life. That doesn't mean that you mess everything up." Kya put her hand on Korra's. "Look at me."

Korra slowly lifted her head and made eye contact.

"We love you so much. You are our family and nothing will ever change that. We are all trying to help you." Kya smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Thank you. I think I should go see that counselor. I need to find a way to control myself." Korra knew that it was what she needed, but she hates the idea that she can't control herself without the help of other people.

"Good, Tomorrow I'll get the appointment set up. In the meantime, you need to apologize to both of them." Kya said. Korra nodded her head.

Korra tried to compose herself before she walked into Kourtney's room. She took one deep breath and entered.

"I'm so sorry for what I said. I promise you with all my heart that I didn't mean it. Please, please forgive me." Korra couldn't stop her tears this time.

Lin got up and hugged her niece, "I know you didn't mean it."

When Korra pulled away she saw her sister in tears. She sat next to her, "I'm so sorry. I'm so grateful for all you have done for me. I love you." Korra wrapped her arms around her sister. Kourtney quickly fell into the embrace.

As the night aged on, Korra laid on her bed in the dark with her dog curled up next to her. She was so tired of this life, in her mind counseling was her last hope.

A/N: Another deep chapter. Hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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