Chapter 7: The Calm After

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Kourtney got Korra home and was hit with a wave of extreme exhaustion, it was only ten in the morning her day hadn't even started. She canceled the rest of her drives for the day and decided to stay home with Korra.

Days like this really made Kourtney's longing for her parents grow. When things like this happened they always knew what to say and what to do. She knew Korra was struggling and it pained her that she was able to help like her father did.

She knew that Aunt Kya would help her but she was always working at the hospital. Aunt Lin also had a busy schedule, there would be times when she would get called out in the middle of the night. Sometimes it made Kourtney feel alone when it came to Korra, she knew she wasn't.

Korra laid next to Naga on her bed. She was slowly stroking her dog's fur, it was another thing that often calms her down. "At least you will always love me." Naga licked her face as a reply. Korra smiled at the gesture, she swore to all the spirits that Naga understood her.

An hour later, Kourtney checked on Korra and saw that she and Naga were curled up together, sleeping. The sight made her smile and feel good about things. Kourtney decided it would probably be best if she went for a little nap as well.


Asami and Kuvira were both sent home, Kuvira was expelled while Asami was suspended for ten days. Asami drove her own car home while her mother talked to the principal.

At home Asami found herself sobbing on her bed. So many emotions were swimming around her head. The thing that Asami vividly remembered was the look of horror on Korra's face, like her whole world collapsed around her. I need to talk to her. I need to make this right. Asami tried to call but the phone went straight to voicemail so she tried to text.

Asami: Can we talk, please?

Over the next ten minutes Asami got no reply from Korra. It drove her crazy. Asami had no idea if Korra was found or if she... Asami didn't even want to think about the second possibility. She decided to text her again.

Asami: Korra please don't do anything to yourself. Please call me

Still no reply. Asami tried to call and text Kourtney but to no avail. I lost my best friend. Asami's heart ached for Korra.

Asami laid her head down on her silk pillow and slid her earphones into her ears. She turned the music up and closed her eyes. Asami was forcing herself to calm down and clear her mind. She snapped out of her trance by the ringing of her phone, it's Kourtney.

"Hello, is Korra alright? Please tell me she's okay!" Asami's hands were shaking.

"She's fine. I want to know why you used her then threw her away like she was nothing."

"I never did that. I love Korra more than anything. I would never do anything to hurt her. Kuvira forced me because she knew it was the easiest way to get to Korra!" Asami's voice started to shake.

"She forced you? I'm sorry, I-I didn't know." Kourtney felt like shit for accusing Asami.

"I need to talk to Korra, please. I need her in my life." Asami tried to put as much confidence into her voice as she could.

"Ok, meet me at the edge of the forest. I'll text you the address. Me and Korra will be there."

"Thank you so much." Asami hung up then immediately grabbed her shoes and her key then ran out the door.

Kourtney opened Korra's door and found her asleep with Naga. She shook her to walk up. Korra opened her eyes slowly, "what's going on?" Korra asked.

KorrAsami: You Can't be Replacedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें