Chapter 8: The Same Pain

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TW: Self harm

Asami wanted to put everything that happened behind her as soon as she could. That was the worst day of her life

Even though they made up Asami knew her relationship with Korra was still strained. She knew that she would have to fight to earn the girl's trust back.

Asami laid her head down on her pillow and stared at the ceiling with tears in her eyes. The hate that she had for Kuvira was consuming her. She almost took Korra away from me.

The raven haired girl hated that she got so emotional. She then started to worry about Korra, Asami knew that Korra was never good at controlling her emotions. Korra also acted on impulse and never stopped to think before she did something foolish. That is what scared Asami the most.


Korra found herself locked in the bathroom again with the same blade she used the night prior. She was tired of all the emotional pain she caused her family and Asami.

The razor was pressed against her forearm then was slid horizontally across the tan skin. Korra did her best to quiet her sobs so she didn't wake anyone up.

Her mind was focused on the beads of blood coming from the wounds. Korra lost control, she kept sliding the blade over and over until most of her forearm was covered in cuts.

Korra didn't realize until the blood was flowing down her arm. She leaned against the wall in tears. This is what my life has come to.

The hurt in her mind was gone for the moment but was replaced by the stinging pain from the self inflicted wounds. This type of pain was something she could handle.

Korra cleaned up her arm and truly inspected the damage that she caused to her own skin. Her forearm was littered with lacerations. The feeling of being a failure hit her extremely hard this time.

Korra left the bathroom with her hoodie on and her eyes full of tears. She had the razor blade in her pocket when Kourtney came out of her room.

"What are you doing up, Korra?" She asked in a gentle voice.

"I-I was just using the bathroom." Korra said quietly.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kourtney grabbed Korra's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Korra tried to put some confidence into her words.

Kourtney noticed the red puffy eyes and the stains of tear streaks. "Korra, what's wrong?" She pressed on. "If you need to talk I'll stay up all night. Just please tell me what's wrong."

Korra gave into her sister's worry, "I do need to talk."

"Okay, let's go sit in my room so we don't wake up Aunt Kya." Kourtney grabbed Korra's hand and led her to her room.

The two sisters sat on Kourtney's bed, she never let go of Korra's hand. "What's going on?"

Korra was about to tell her about the cuts but she decided against it. "I... feel like I let everyone down."

"Why do you say that?"

"I try so hard to be the person you want me to be. The strong confident person that mom and dad wanted but I can't." Korra leaned into her sister's open arms. Kourtney pulled her into a tight hug.

"You are that person. I know mom and dad would be extremely proud of you." Kourtney did her best to console her sister.

"I'm I though, what have I done that makes me strong. I ran away from Asami when it happened." Korra was trying so hard to control her emotions.

"Tell me, what were you supposed to do in that moment?"

Korra didn't answer.

"Exactly. I don't know if I would have run from the school but you did what you had to." Kourtney said.

"Kourtney you just proved my own point, I ran."

"Kor, that doesn't mean that you're not strong."

Korra knew that her sister was trying to reassure her but it wasn't helpful. She felt useless and at the moment nothing could change that feeling.

"I think I just want to go back to bed. Thanks for listening to me." Korra said in a low voice.

"Of course, I'll always be here if you need me for anything." Kourtney pulled her sister into one last embrace before letting her retreat back to her own room.

Korra walked back into the darkness of her room. Her arm was stinging from the self inflicted cuts.

The moonlight crept in through the little opening of her window. Korra laid in bed and rolled over to face the wall. She thought of Asami's beautiful eyes and smile. I can't believe I didn't trust her. She must hate me.

"I fuck everything up." Korra whispered to no one. Nothing was going right in her life.


Asami woke up at her normal time to go to school but she quickly realized that she was suspended for the next ten days. She laid her head back down on her pillow with an audible sigh.

Korra was on her mind, the beautiful ocean blue eyes, the soft tan skin. Asami decided that it would be best if she texted her good morning.

Asami: Good morning Korra. I know I won't be there today but you will have Opal, Bolin, and Mako. But if you need anything from me don't hesitate to ask. ❤️

Asami clicked her phone off then set back on her night stand. She waited for the reply that would make her feel better. She didn't have to wait long.

Kor: Morning Sami. I'll be okay with them, I guess. Thanks though, I will call you if I need anything. ❤️❤️

The raven haired girl melted at the nickname and the two hearts. This definitely eased her mind about where they stood as a couple.

At school Korra was struggling without Asami, it wasn't the same. Their group of friends definitely helped ease Korra's nerves.

After school ended, Kourtney picked Korra up and took her home.

Korra isolated herself in her room again, she stared at the picture of Asami on her phone. Korra pressed the call button.


"Hey 'Sami. I just wanted to hear your voice." Korra said.

"How was your day?" Asami asked.

"It was very different without you there. If I'm being honest I missed you."

"You only have nine more days, but we can see each other tonight if you want." Asami suggested.

"Not tonight, but tomorrow we definitely can." Korra said.

Asami was a little taken back at that response, "Yeah, sure. I'll see you then. I love you."

"I love you too." Korra hung up and threw her head on her pillow. Her mind was racing a thousand miles an hour.

Kourtney was sitting in the front room talking to Kya, "I'm getting worried about Korra."

"Why?" Kya turned her attention to her niece.

"She's isolating again. The last time she did that...Well you know what happened the last time she did that." Kourtney thought back on the horrible memories.

Kya sighed, "I noticed, I just hoped that she would get better in time. I think I'm going to take her to a grief counselor."

"I think that's a good idea." Kourtney admitted. "Now we just have to get Korra on board."

A/N: I know another depressing chapter but I promise there will be happy and wholesome moments in the future. Hope you enjoyed :)

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