Chapter 2

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I blinked a few times as tears filled my eyes. How come that seemed exactly right? How come he KNEW how i felt? Something was wrong,very wrong. I let a sob escape and I fell back down into the covers. "Aw babe I didn't mean to make you cry..." He said with remorse as he sniffled. "It's-it's not your fault...I don't know-know what's wrong." I stuttered. "It's like I know something but I just can't remember and it's very important...I should remember. I should. But I can't! I can't!!!!" I began to shriek in disbelief and confusion. Sam walked toward the bed holding back tears "Shh baby calm down, everything will be alright. It's okay." He laid down next to me and held me in his arms, shaking. I sobbed some more and pushed away "!!! It's not okay!! None of this is!!!" I yelled again. He put his head in his hands and sighed then grabbed me again with more force. "It will be fine. You'll figure it out, you just need time." I thrashed in his arms trying to free myself but than finally gave up. I leaned into him and continued sobbing "Why am I such a mess? I don't even know WHY I care so much about something I've forgotten. If I forgot then it must not be important, right?" He kissed my forehead and said nothing. "Right?" I asked again. He looked at me and kissed my neck "Shh just get some more rest." "I asked a fucking question!" I yelled as I ripped out of his arms and got out of the bed. "What the hell can't you just fucking calm down already!? Stop, just stop. I heard you ask your damn question and I don't want to answer it." He replied as he shook his head and scoffed. I couldn't believe it, why was he doing this is to me? I squinted my eyes in anger as one last tear ran down my cheek. "You know what, fuck you. Fuck this, I'm done."

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