Chapter 13

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*2 Months Previous*
My whole entire body heaved as I leaned over the toilet to throw up but my stomach was completely empty and had been empty for weeks. I put my hand over my mouth to try and stop my bitter sobs that filled the entire house. I pulled back my hand as I heard footsteps approach the bathroom. I saw the shiny diamond ring on my cold hand glisten in the dim light. The ring that was suppose to signify love had now turned into hate. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, a huge bruise forming on my right cheek. "Open the door." He said flatly. I hesitated as I grabbed the doorknob-but then I finally stopped caring. He stared at me as I looked at the ring and slid it off. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare." He said as he slowly inched closer to me. "If I do, I won't lose anything. In fact, I'll gain freedom. I'll gain the feeling of not worrying if someone that's suppose to love me will hit me again. If he'll hurt me again. I won't have the fear of someone killing me because I fuck up everything. Maybe if I leave, I can find myself again." I crumpled to the ground and cried more. "Maybe you could find yourself too." And those words forever changed him. That's what started his self destruction. He was no longer destructing me to find himself, he was destructing himself. Looking everywhere for what he had lost. He had no idea what he had lost wasn't in him anymore, it was in me. He had lost me and I had lost him. And now both of us were missing parts. The parts of us that we had implanted in each other. When you love someone, you never just leave them- you leave what you gave them too. And if you give your entire self, you leave your entire self.

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