Chapter 7

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I stopped right where I was and looked at Sam, right in his eyes. I could see the tears that he was trying so desperately to hold back. Then I heard a sly chuckle "You saw what we were doing- you know what we were doing. Don't be stupid Sam, God are you stupid! How long did you think you could keep this from her? With every fucking social media site, I'm surprised she hasn't found out herself. Is it just today that she broke the cycle? It took her long enough to at LEAST figure out something's wrong." Cameron said as he looked at me. He almost frowned "You're too fucking precious to be ruined." Too precious are the words that overwhelmed my mind. Was it that bad? Would it ruin me? I stared blankly at the floor. "Sam, it's time for some actual answers. Either you tell me or I'll have Cameron tell me. But whatever needs to be said, will be said- today." I looked up and saw Cameron biting his lip "He should be the one to tell you, not me. If you need anything, don't hesitate at all. Seriously." He said quietly as he slipped a piece of paper into my hand. I searched his eyes desperately trying to figure out what he meant. Why would I need him? "Come on, I'll take you home." Sam said as he wiped his eyes. "Who said it's still home? I left remember." I replied as I followed him out of the mall, realizing the large crowd that had gathered. Some of them were almost crying, they all had pity in their eyes. "She was supposed to die...that might've been better." I heard a cracking voice whisper. I walked over to his car which was parked next to mine. "Meet me at my house." He said as he got into his car. I noticed his change in wording, it almost broke me. I was the one who wanted this...I didn't want to be associated with him any longer. I got in my car and bit my lip as I drove to his house, the longest 10 minutes of my life. I pulled back into the driveway as a sinking feeling fell into my stomach. What if this was the last time my car would be in the driveway? Something told me it would be. Maybe even the last time I'd see Sam. The last time I'd be partially whole. The last time I'd be precious.

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