Chapter 8

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I walked in after Sam, listening to his soft, harsh sobs. The sounds he made where the only ones that filled the now dark and bare atmosphere of the house. It always seemed to be warm, like you could feel all of memories that had taken place in it. But now, it seemed horrific. He walked down the hall and into our bedroom. He sat down on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands. I sat down on the opposite edge and watched him. "It's been exactly 19 days, almost a month. They said you'd never remember. They said you would live the same exact day over and over again. Just like you've been doing for the past 19 days. It was a one in a million chance you would break the cycle, and that if you didn't- you were better off dead. I always hoped you would finally realize something was wrong, but I also feared it. Because I had no idea what I was supposed to tell you. And I still don't. I don't know if you want to know the details of the crash, I don't know if you want to know how much we loved each other before, I don't know if you want to know how hard I've been trying to not lose it, I don't know if you want to know how-" I heard nothing after that, absolutely nothing. My head felt like it was about to explode, remember what, remember what, remember what, remember what, what the hell was I supposed to remember!? I couldn't breath or think anymore. Wait....why is Sam crying....why am I sitting her listening? I started sobbing because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, I heave to remember something. What crash? Why was I repeating the same day over and over again? Why did I finally find out something was wrong? Why did everyone pity me? Did I really love Sam? Why the hell am I even here? Who is he? I don't know him....why am I here? I need to get out! Why is he upset? Who is he? Who am I? Why? I got up and started running, my heart was thumping so hard I couldn't hear myself think. I couldn't breathe. I stopped, and fell. I hit the ground and everything went black. Nothingness surrounded me.

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