Chapter 4

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I laughed at myself as I blasted the radio and continued driving to the mall. Really? You have all these fucking problems and you think the mall will fix them? Lucky for me, I always keep my wallet in my back pocket so I can waste it on shit. I pulled into a parking space and got out, I was immediately overwhelmed by a screeching group of girls. I smiled and waved as I hurriedly walked into the mall. I walked straight into Sephora, and went up to a sales associate. "Hello, can I help you with anything today?" She said giving me a sweet smile. "Haha yeah...." I took off my sunglasses to reveal my puffy eyes that had eyeliner and mascara all over them. "Oh, well we can certainly help you out! Here sit down." She replied, beckoning to a swivel chair by a huge mirror. I sat down and sighed. "Today's been a rough day I'm guessing." She stated as she wiped off my makeup. "Yeah, how'd you know?" I said chuckling. She laughed "Especially being a YouTuber and with everything going on...." She became quiet. "So you recognized me...?" I asked. "There's not many people who don't know who you are." She replied. "I guess you're right, but I'm surprised by the way you acted. Usually I can tell when someone knows me, they either freak out, act abnormally chill, or act bitchy towards me." I said. "Guess sympathetic is new?" She asked. "What do you mean?" "Oh...I didn't know...never mind. I mean you seem distressed and I was trying to help." She said carefully. I looked at her from the mirrors reflection and squinted at her thoughtfully....her voice hid something. I couldn't quite tell what it was.

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