Chit-Chat with NICK

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Helena pov:

I am utterly shocked right now. did he just say that he is gonna take me to the office?

You might not get what i am saying, let me make things clear. well its been around three years that i started to stay here and didn't ever step out of this mansion. I mean we did go out for dates sometimes but all of them are in scheduled areas where i don't find anyone other than him and his guards. he never allowed me to any public area and if i ever wanted anything he would get it here. like literally anything.

Seeing me shocked he replied, "I know i never allowed you to step out of the mansion. but from today, I want you to explore things and meet people seeing you could handle yourself. So, now we are leaving for my office as a start. there you can also do your work as i informed chris to be present. okay?" walking me to the dining hall.

I am lost in thoughts now. I always used to complain him that he is caging me in here. but knowing that i am going out of my comfort zone and meeting new people is making me very nervous. And him saying that i can handle myself is not sitting well with me. I have always been dependent on him neither physically nor financially but mentally and emotionally. I always ask him before doing anything because i don't trust my judgement. now, can i handle myself?

Thinking about that i didn't realize that we reached the dining area. nick pulled the head chair of the table for me while he sat at my right. I feel a hand squeezing mine, looking up i see nick saying, "you can do this" in an assuring manner and reminding me he will always be there for me.

I gave him a small smile which he reflected back but he is looking more charming doing that and waved his hands for the maids to bring the food.

As on cue, mary, the sweet lady who is in her early fifties, a head maid came serving us food giving me a smile which i returned.

As on cue, mary, the sweet lady who is in her early fifties, a head maid came serving us food giving me a smile which i returned

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but my smile vanished seeing what's on my plate.

I am a vegetarian being born in india as my family members were typical vegetarians

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I am a vegetarian being born in india as my family members were typical vegetarians. even after spending around 10 years in Europe, i couldn't really grow up any interest in non-vegetarian food. looking at him i understood that i have to struggle eating it and don't trigger him to give me never lasting lectures on my health.

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