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(This takes place after the match against Kirkwood)

I was sitting on bed reading a book when suddenly my phone began to ring. It was Axel... I wonder what he wants. "Hey Axel how are you, is something the matter?"


Axel: Hey Ju-ju, I'm doing good and no nothing is the matter. Can't I just say hello to my lovely boyfriend.

Jude: I guess you're right. So what did you want to talk about?

Axel: Let's go out today. You can bring your teammates and I'll bring mine... Well the ones that I can convince of course.

Jude: Alright... I'll see if I can get everyone onboard. See you then Ax

Axel: See you then Ju-ju. Love you!

Jude: Love you too...


"Guess I have to convince everyone to come now won't I... This is going to be difficult," I thought out loud. But I did it anyway. I scrolled through my contacts and found Acker's name. I called him and asked if he could inform the others about Axel's plan, and see what they thought.

After 15 minutes of waiting, he said everyone was on board, and that they'd come.

'Great now I have to call Axel and see what his team said.'

Axel: Hey Ju-ju what did your team say?

Jude: They all said yes, but they wanted to know where we'd be meeting up. Any Ideas?

Axel: That's great everyone on my team also said yes, and we'll be going to a café then the park, sounds good?

Jude: That's okay with me which café exactly Ax?

Axel: Now I can't say that. You'll just have to wait and see.

Jude: Alright... I miss hanging out with you.

Axel: Same here... Say how about we go on a date in, let's say two weeks from now. Then I can take you to that restaurant you've always wanted to go to. My treat.

Jude: Alright see you soon Ax I have to get ready. Love you lots.

Axel: Love you too babe. See you soon bye.


'I wonder which café we are going to. I hope it's Starbucks.'

Just then my sister burst through the door with the hugest smile on earth. "Yes Celia?" I asked her. "So Oni-chan is also coming with us on the trip with Axel-nii," Celia asked as she walked in and closed the door behind her. She then made her way to my bed and sat down next to me.

"Are you okay Oni-chan? You seem a bit depressed lately, and we're all getting worried."

"I'm quite alright Celia. Just feel a bit sick," I tried reassuring her. It seemed to work since she changed the subject. But she still looked at me suspiciously. "If you're sure Oni-chan, but I will be coming back to this subject later on today," She walking out of my room and closing the door.

I felt a bit relieved when she left, since I didn't want anyone hearing her. But that will haunt for the rest the day. I just hope she doesn't bring it up around the others... I don't want them to worry about me anymore than they already do.

After that little panic setion I got up from my bed and started searching for something to wear. As soon as I was finished Axel called and asked if I could come pick him up. I told him I'd be there 15 minutes.


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