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Please listen to the song first. It really describes how Jude feels in this chapter.


I was sitting on my bed one Saturday afternoon, waiting for Daniel to arrive, when I got a text from Axel. After 2 months he finally decided to speak to me again. But our conversation left me in tears.

 But our conversation left me in tears

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He just broke up with me

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He just broke up with me... He just left me... Axel just left me... Axel just left me again...

I didn't know what to do, so I just cried. Cried till Daniel came in to check on me, and ask if I needed anything.

"Jude? Jude!? Are you okay!? Why are you crying!? Did something happen!?"

"I- H-he," I tried to say through sobs. Dan rushed over my bed, and was about to sit down, when he saw me clenching my phone. Daniel snatched it from me, and read the messages. He then looked at me, and tackled me into a hug.

"Sh, it's okay, I'm here now. I'm here now," Daniel said stroking my hair. We stayed like that, till the girls came into the room. Celia was the one who reacted first.

"Oni-chan fa- Oni-chan!!! Father!!" My father soon entered the room, looking worried. He rushed to my bed. Daniel let go of me, so that father could hug me as well.

"It's okay Jude what happened?" No response. My father sighed, and looked over to Daniel for an explanation. Daniel showed him the messages, and he was beyond livid.

"Jude, I don't want you speaking to anyone from Japan, understood?" Father said hugging me tighter. I still didn't respond, it didn't feel right. Even though I don't talk to them either way.

"Understood?" He said sternly. My only option was to agree, so I nodded my head slowly. After about 20 minutes my father let go, and told he had to go on a business trip the following day.

Just then, Daniel walked in with a box of my favourite chocolates. He sat next to me and opened the box. Taking out one of the chocolates, and feeding it to me.

"He doesn't deserve you Jude. You do know that right?" Daniel said giving me another chocolate. I nodded as I thought of Axel again, I missed him so much, and just wanted to be in his embrace. He saw how my mood shifted, and gave me a hug.

"Hey, hey. Why don't we watch a movie in the cinema, just to two of us? It might take your mind off your problems," he said giving a Mark-like smile. I chuckled as he helped me up.

As we arrived, I noticed that the cinema was already set up for our boys night. There were snacks, drinks and a blanket for us two. As we were watching the movie, I fell asleep on Dan's shoulder and he rested his shoulder on top of my head, as he also drifted off to sleep.

Little did we know that Celia and Dionne were watching us. They took pictures of us two, and posted them on Instagram. That's when all the drama started to unfold, but we'd only know how much trouble we were in, the following day.


I hope you guys enjoyed. Why do you think Axel and Jude broke up? Why did Jude's father want him, to stop contact with anyone from Japan? Who do you think saw the posts, and what will happen because of them?

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