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We pulled up in front of Axel's apartment and waited for him. As soon as Celia saw him, she rushed out the car, and tackled him into a bear hug, but luckily he did not fall back.

"Axel it's been a while!" Celia exclaimed letting him out of her death grip. "Ya it's been a while hasn't it." He then looked over at the car and whispered something into Celia's ear. Celia just simply nodded and they both walked over to the car.

"Hey Judy~ how are you?" Axel said as he kissed me on the cheek. "I'm good how are you and your family doing?"

"Good! Julia just started going to preschool again. Father even allows us to visit mom's gave when he's gone."

"I'm really happy for you Ax. Father's still unsure whether or not, I should be able to walk, to school on my own or not," I said smiling weakly. Axel's expression softened and he was about to lean in for kiss. "Sorry to interrupt but I want to see my friends now!"

I gave her a unpleased look, while Axel just chuckled. 'I keep forgetting you're everywhere Celia...'

"Fine, but you owe me ice-cream now," I said signaling my butler to start driving. "What no way Oni-chan! That's not fair towards me, and you know it!" She huffed turning her head towards the window, mumbling a whatever under her breath.

"You two never learn, do you?" Axel sweat dropped. The rest of the car ride was filled with Axel and Celia talking about some random things. After 20 minutes we made it to the destination, where our teams were waiting for us. Elliott and Acker were the first to notice us.

"Hey guys. Glad you finally made it," Acker said sarcastically, dragging Elliott to where we were standing. "Hey, sorry we're late. Someone had to beg his neighbour to watch his sister."

"Well I didn't know Julia would come home early from her playdate."

"That doesn't matter let's go..." Elliott said glaring at Axel, but luckily for him nobody, expect for Celia, Axel and I noticed it. Everyone followed Elliott and Acker around the park.

This is what the park looks like:

"W-well I'll go catch up to them. You two have fun, and enjoy each others company. Call us if you feel your ready to go to the cafe," Celia waved as she disappeared, into the crowd of soccer players. I could only smile at how much my little sister has grown.
Soon enough she won't need me anymore... What a sad thought...

I was pulled back to reality, by Axel's loving touch and award winning smile. "Come on let's go. Don't worry we'll catch up to them soon, I just want to show you something." I was soon dragged all the way to the opposite side of the park, from where the others were.

"Axel what are we doing here?"

"You'll see just close your eyes and trust me. I promise this won't disappoint you bae~" He held out my hands and placed a box in them. I was pleasantly surprised, and immediately opened it. What I found inside left me speechless.

Gift number one:

Gift number two:

Gift number three:

"Thank you so much babe!!" Jude almost jumped into Axel's arms, earning himself a hug in return. Jude hoped things would stay the same.

Little did they know Elliott was watching them from the distance, and he didn't like this not one bit. He had a feeling Axel was hiding something... But what?


Hope you guys enjoyed it. Love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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