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Elliott and Jude have been texting for a few days now and have been hanging out every single day after their matches, the other 3 tagging along as well

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Elliott and Jude have been texting for a few days now and have been hanging out every single day after their matches, the other 3 tagging along as well. They all talked about what they go through during the day and how everyone else was doing. Jude told them about his new home in America and told them about his many doctor appointments.

Elliott hung to every single word never once interupting Jude. The other guys thought it was cute and decided to prank Elliott, when they go back to the camp. Caleb and Xavier would convince Elliott to hang out with them, while Aiden went to get his voice changer.

Aiden would then hide behind the door of Elliott and Xavier's room and pretend to be Jude after knocking on the door. Elliott fell for it and went to go open the door only to find Aiden who was laughing uncontrollably. Elliott was fuming and chased the 3 around the training camp till they got back to the room.

"You need to lighten up Elliott. We were just messing around, no need to take us so seriously," Caleb said resting his head on Xavier's stomach.

"Ya, we were just playing. You know that would be too risky a move for him to make," Xavier chimed in playing with Caleb's hair. Elliott surprisingly agreed with the two and went to lay down on his bed. Aiden on the other hand fell asleep by Xavier's desk.

"I mean just him being here with us... That would be awesome. Just imagine what kind of plays Jude could pull off. He's AMAZING," Xavier said sitting and making his boyfriend fall off the bed.


"Oops! Sorry bae."

"You two lovebirds need counselling..." said Elliott rubbing his temple. Unbeknownst to them a certain someone had been following them around the entire time. He has stalking them and leaking information to the rest of the team and Orion. Why does Orion want information on Jude Sharp he has have no idea, but he's about to find out soon enough.

*Ichihoshi's P.O.V*

These idiots don't understand how stupid they are. They were leading me straight to Jude, now their plans can be set in motion.

Walking to my bedroom I walked across Mr. Ye's office as he was on the phone with someone. It sounded like it was some business man. The man said that he'd call the authorities if any came anywhere his son again. Mr. Ye being Mr. Ye just laughed it off and assured him no harm would come to the boy.

I wonder if had anything to do with that Jude guy. He seems to the apple of everyone's eye. If he has anything to do with the plans Orion has in mind, then he must have something of great value.

I just shrugged it off and went straight to my bedroom. Opening the door to find my roommate had not come back yet. Making my way over to my bed I felt extreme pain in my head. Memories I wish I could forget, kept coming back to me suddenly until the pain stopped.

"What was that..? Why did it hurt their just memories..." I kept asking myself about why these memories were coming back, till someone came to call me for dinner. Sonny then dragged me over to dinning hall.

'So annoying..'


Hope you guys enjoyed.

Why do you think Orion is after Jude?
Why is Jude's father threating to get authorities involved?


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