Lucifer continues

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After hearing Lucifer's words,Pravin came forward and told.

Pravin:-Over my dead body.

Lucifer:-I can do it too after being in hell for a eternity.

Avneet:-Are you Lucifer?

Lucifer:-Yes,The devil.But technically I am the ruler of the hell now.My brother the present almighty ordered me to bring your child
to hell.


Lucifer:-Because it was the fate.None can change a single thing in it.After Pravin's ruling,Your child will be next ruler of the Jinns.Your child will efficiently rule first but after Pravin death.Your child will help the next Queen of the red moon and do what Laila tried.So I am taking your child to hell to stop that.Don't worry,The demons will take care of your son better than you.

Avneet:-No, There's no one better than mother for their children.

Pravin:-I won't raise my son to be a  bad ruler.

Lucifer:-Son... Didn't you have a daughter?

Avneet:-What? No..

Lucifer:-Her name was too Avneet..Jr something like that.

Pravin:-No..She... We thought to have one.You must be come earlier.Even though if you come in future,we won't allow you to get her.I will protect with my life.

Arjun:-Me too.

Lucifer:-I have a good and bad news for you.The good one is You have a daughter which you are not aware of.
The bad one is You are not going to see her too.

Lucifer show his wings and flied to find Avneet jr.

Pravin:-Daughter? Avneet jr...

Avneet:-Pravin.We need to do something.

Leela:-If she was going to be evil.We shouldn't not stop Lucifer.

Avneet:-My daughter won't be evil.

Leela:-You can't be sure about that.

Avneet:-I can.I gave birth to them.
They are children of Ayanaa the angel.

Leela:-I and Laila too raised by our mother equally but when get the age of ascending the throne.She became evil.

Avneet:-What are you telling my daughter will fight her brother to ascend the throne of Jinn, Isn't she?

Leela nods.

Pravin:-Enough about that.We need to find Avneet jr first.

All nods.

Pravin:-I will go to the hospital.Arjun call my manager Andrew ask him who done Avneet's pregnancy.I should have been there that day.

Avneet:-It's not your fault.We didn't expect that.

Pravin:-Avneet you and Leela go find about Lucifer.What are all his power and weakness?

Avneet:-No,I want to come with you.
I can identify the nurse.

Leela:-You take Avneet with you.I will search about Lucifer.I didn't wanted to do it but I am her aunt and I have the responsibility to protect her so I will do it.

Avneet gave her diary to Leela and went with Pravin.While they gone,
Arjun inform it to Andrew and help Leela.Andrew called the authority of hospital and got the information.He send it to Pravin's mail.By that time,They were in the hospital.
They enquiry each and every nurse in the hospital.Meanwhile, Lucifer went to the nurse who done Avneet's pregnancy.He break in the door and entered.He saw The nurse Diya and Avneet jr in a photo.Diya entered after hearing noise.

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