A Jinn's story

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The hero of the story is named has Pravin.The reader's should imagine himself as Pravin.This story is inspired by many films.


He is a charm,innocent and shy type boy.He lives in an orphanage.His Parents were sacrificed themselves to save him from an evil spirit jinn when he was child so he doesn't remember anything.He was billionaire but he don't know that yet.The guardian of the orphanage his own uncle take over his wealth and take good care of it.The evil spirit Jinn still searches for him.He had a friend his name was Bazigar.It was a Hawk which can transform into a Magical stick and He trained to do magic but no one knows about it other than guardian.He doesn't know that the guardian
was his uncle.The orphans will be allowed to watch only one tv show daily.The tv show is based on the happiness in a family.The orphans watch them happily.The heroine of the tv show Avneet Kaur and her character in the tv show attracted Pravin (love at first sight).He had enthusiastically watch the tv show for the heroine.He dreamed about her every day and He had a huge crush on her.


Her name was Avneet Kaur.Her mother died when she was young.Her father raised her till now.She was a  gorgeous but selfish and stubborn girl.Her world is full of lies and she do everything for Publicity.But she loves her father the most and she will do anything for her father.


One day,On the way to orphanage,
Pravin rushed to avoid thundering rain.Suddenly a note fell down from the sky near him.He took the note and rushed.He reached and went to his room.He opened the note suddenly he heard a sound behind him and he looked behind but no one is there.
When he turned back suddenly a demon like creature introduce himself as a Ryuk.

Ryuk:-I am Ryuk.The guardian of Death note.This note is called death note.

Pravin:-Death note...

Ryuk:-Yes.The note helps you to mesmerise people and decides their death but this can be used once because of the previous owner.He filled every single page in the note because of that you can only use it once.

After hearing, Suddenly His uncle came inside the room and Ryuk vanished.

Uncle:-The dinner is ready..

Pravin nods.

After eating dinner,Pravin saw Avneet Kaur and his father in the tv giving interview.He went to bed and Ryuk appeared.

Ryuk:-Write someone name and finish this.I will be free from this curse to be the guardian.

Pravin didn't believe this whole thing and wrote Avneet Kaur 's Father.

Pravin's words:-He will die in a heart attack.His last words is to marry him(Pravin) and protect him in Pravin 's orphanage to Avneet Kaur.

In the morning,No symptoms of new people in the orphanage.After coming from school,He saw many people in the orphanage.All were sad,Suddenly
Avneet Kaur's Father came near to him and fell down in Pravin's lap and

Avneet's father:-(To Avneet)Marry him and Protect him.

He died in Pravin's lap itself.After that Avneet Kaur's Father went to hospital for further process.Avneet was confused because why her father asked her to marry Pravin and what is the danger to protect him.She doesn't know pravin at all.Here Pravin was shocked and felt guilty because he was the reason for Avneet's Father death.He ran to his room to check the note but the note and Ryuk was disappeared.Avneet finished the rituals for her father's death and came to check Pravin.

Avneet:-I am Avneet.My father...Do you know us? I am sorry my father never mentioned you before.

Pravin doesn't know how to tell her that he is the reason so he remain speechless.

Pravin:-I... I ...am Pravin..

Avneet sense he was in shock so he came near her and kept her hand on his shoulder to make him calm.

Avneet:-Leave it...I don't have anyone except my father.(weeps)But now he is gone too.He asked me to protect you.I will do it..Even though I don't know what is it?


Avneet felt Pravin was going to have an anxiety attack if he continues to talk with her.

Avneet:-Leave that too.I guess you are in shock for my father's death like me.
We will talk about everything later.

Pravin nod his head and Avneet left his room.While leaving the orphanage,The guardian asked her to come inside his room.


Avneet entered into his room.

Guardian:-Sit down on the chair, Avneet,right.

Avneet:-Yes,..Why did you called me?

Guardian:-You must be confused like him.I will reveal you everything.

He explained about Pravin.

Guardian:-Pravin's father was your
father's elder brother and I am Pravin's mother's brother.We
(Families of Pravin's father and mother) never agreed for their marriage.So they ran away from us and get married.They had a child and He was Pravin.They struggled a lot.
Pravin's father worked so hard to take care of his family but he was betrayed by his colleagues and again he struggles.One day,when he was in bus stop,He eavesdrop about Jinn and his powers.He decided to ask help to jinn.Meanwhile your mother saw Pravin's mother in a shop.Pravin's mother told everything to her.She gave money and offers a job to Pravin's father by your father.Here Pravin's father came to the Jinn lake.
Jinn appeared before him.Pravin's father wish to make him a billionaire but he have to make a sacrifice for that.The Jinn asked him to sacrifice his son to him.

He agreed it.The Jinn changed him into billionaire.Pravin's father went to home to handover his son to jinn.
Pravin's mother and Avneet's mother tried to stop him but he pull them away.He came to Jinn lake to handover his son.The Jinn's shadow started to change Pravin into another Jinn but suddenly Pravin's father was shot by Pravin's mother and she tried to shoot the Jinn too.But No use Jinn cannot be killed by normal bullet. Suddenly she hear gunshot from her back and it was your mother.She shot the jinn with wooden bullets.

Avneet's mother:-It was Jinn.It will get hurt by only wooden bullet.I knew it because of my husband filming about Jinn and their weakness.

Guardian:-(continue)Pravin's father died and Jinn disappeared from the lake.When coming home,they died in an accident but luckily Pravin escaped from it that time he was a six month baby and you are also the same age.After that,I handle their wealth.

Avneet:-Do my father knew it ?

Guardian nods.

She was shocked after knowing this story but she understood the situation.Next morning,Pravin saw  Avneet in his orphanage.Avneet tried to make a conversation with Pravin but he avoids her because he feel guilty whenever he saw her face.
Avneet was an Ayanaa a born angel.
She can only kill Jinn and protect Pravin.So that they have to be together to defeat the Jinn.The Shadow of jinn changed Pravin to a half jinn.That's how he can do magic with Bazigar.Whenever he gets angry he will turn into a jinn so that he remain calm always.

Will Pravin accept Avneet has friend?
Will Jinn found Pravin and make him into a Jinn?


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